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Friday, June 30, 2017

Need name of 32-bit Oracle client that contai

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Need name of 32-bit Oracle client that contai
[url=https://allblacks-vslions.org]All Blacks vs Lions[/url]
[url=https://allblacks-vslions.org]All Blacks vs Lions live[/url]
[url=https://allblacks-vslions.org]All Blacks vs Lions Live Stream[/url]


Comic for 2017.07.01

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2017.07.01
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Are the posted questions getting worse?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Are the posted questions getting worse?
Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days? I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server. It seems like the general feeling of a lot

What's the best way to get a sample set of a big table without primary key?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
What's the best way to get a sample set of a big table without primary key?
This is what is happening here:

We have lots of big data, table's size is often around billion and there is no integer id for primary key.

We need to get a small set of sample data (1%), current solution is for the tables with big int fi

Today's Random Word!

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Today's Random Word!
HI When you woke up today, or logged-onto Opera Forums, you may have had a dream, a thought, a scene or a word running through your mind... Jump on that word... And. Post it here by it's thumbs! :hat: Quickly! Before it becomes a number!

Splitting TempDB

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Splitting TempDB
Hi, I noticed yesterday that I have the following setup for one of my production virtual database servers:

1 socket, 8 vCPUs
SQL Server 2014 Std
1 tempdb file - Initial size 2262 MB,  Autogrowth 10% , Max Size U

Are the posted questions getting worse?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Are the posted questions getting worse?
Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days? I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server. It seems like the general feeling of a lot

Fantasy Football 2017

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Fantasy Football 2017
Placeholder for the 2017 league. Congrats to the 2016 winners: Ray K - $100 SequelSurfer - $75 Steve Jones - $50 I'll do the same prizes next year. Everyone from 2016 has first crack at the league (12 teams), but if you're interested in joining, l

Comic for 2017.06.30

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2017.06.30
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

How does a stored procedure takes 15 seconds to start?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
How does a stored procedure takes 15 seconds to start?
The trace attached shows a stored procedure calling another stored procedure.
The statement calling the inner procedure takes 18 seconds while the inner procedure itself only takes 2.5 seconds!
In fact, according to the trace, the start date&t

Today's Random Word!

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Today's Random Word!
HI When you woke up today, or logged-onto Opera Forums, you may have had a dream, a thought, a scene or a word running through your mind... Jump on that word... And. Post it here by it's thumbs! :hat: Quickly! Before it becomes a number!

HELP me with the SELECT statement , This has a GROUP BY CLAUSE

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
HELP me with the SELECT statement , This has a GROUP BY CLAUSE
Take a look at the code.  I am interested in counting the distinct codes that a member has within a certain range.
Right now , with the data that is in the table it gives a count of  1 more than the correct count  which is 3.
( Now

Comic for June 25, 2017

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for June 25, 2017
Dilbert readers - Please visit Dilbert.com to read this feature. Due to changes with our feeds, we are now making this RSS feed a link to Dilbert.com.

Schedule a file transfer + DB restore

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Schedule a file transfer + DB restore
The situation I have is a bit complicated but I am sure for all the experts here, it's not. One of our vendor puts a backup file in our FTP folder (since we don't host that DB), I unzip the file and then restore the DB. My manager wants me to schedule it

Dataset - Aggregate data contained in different groups.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Dataset - Aggregate data contained in different groups.


I've create a data source which returns the data I need.
within t

Split DATE formatted 'YYYY-MM-DD' into Concatenated YEAR and MO field

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Split DATE formatted 'YYYY-MM-DD' into Concatenated YEAR and MO field
Hello, I have a date field in the DATE in the format of 'YYYY-MM-DD' and how it is displayed, and I'm trying to split our Year and Month and concatenate into 'YYYYMM' format. I've tried DATEPART, DATEADD and  other variations and I'm not quite gettin

Are the posted questions getting worse?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Are the posted questions getting worse?
Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days? I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server. It seems like the general feeling of a lot

Cray adds big data software to its supercomputers

Network World Data Center
Cray adds big data software to its supercomputers

Cray has announced a new suite of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) software called Urika-XC for its top-of-the-line XC Series of supercomputers. Urika-XC is a set of analytics software that will let XC customers use Apache Spark, Intel’s BigDL deep learning library, Cray’s Urika graph analytics engine, and an assortment of Python-based data science tools.

With the Urika-XC software suite, analytics and AI workloads can run alongside scientific modeling and simulations on Cray XC supercomputers, eliminating the need to move data between systems. Cray XC customers will be able to run converged analytics and simulation workloads across a variety of scientific and commercial endeavors, such as real-time weather forecasting, predictive maintenance, precision medicine and comprehensive fraud detection. 

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A Database Design Test

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
A Database Design Test
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]A Database Design Test[/B]

Please help me with a complex SELECT

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Please help me with a complex SELECT
Hi, I got a table like this:

i need to convert it to a table with headers as following structure

Concatenating a row

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Concatenating a row
I have the following table

A Database Design Test

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
A Database Design Test
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]A Database Design Test[/B]

SQL server error “No catalog entry found for partition ID xxxxx in database 12…”

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQL server error “No catalog entry found for partition ID xxxxx in database 12…”
SQL server error “No catalog entry found for partition ID xxxxx in database 12…” repeated logs in error log file 
My SQL server already on 2012 SP3 CU7 , is it a scenario of data corruption and can it lead to SQL server crash issue

Comic for 2017.06.30

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2017.06.30
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

upgrade from SQL 2005 to SQL 2016( VM+OS+DB)

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
upgrade from SQL 2005 to SQL 2016( VM+OS+DB)
I have an infra which is running on VM 5.1. It has windows 2003 and SQL 2005 installed there.
Now, I need to migrate the SQL to 2016 on top of Windows 2016.
I guess VM 5.1 also needs to be upgraded.
IWhat should done first? Should it be VM fir

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Free eBook: SQL Server Backup and Restore

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Free eBook: SQL Server Backup and Restore

In this free eBook Shawn McGehee offers advice on query tuning, cutting stored procedures, and system process design and implementation for high availability. Discover how to perform backup and restore operations using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), basic T-SQL scripts and Redgate's SQL Backup tool.

Today's Random Word!

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Today's Random Word!
HI When you woke up today, or logged-onto Opera Forums, you may have had a dream, a thought, a scene or a word running through your mind... Jump on that word... And. Post it here by it's thumbs! :hat: Quickly! Before it becomes a number!

What's the best way to get a sample set of a big table without primary key?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
What's the best way to get a sample set of a big table without primary key?
This is what is happening here:

We have lots of big data, table's size is often around billion and there is no integer id for primary key.

We need to get a small set of sample data (1%), current solution is for the tables with big int fi

SQL Select

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQL Select
when I have 1 item which have multiple codes some codes have status check, some don't.
Table 1
Item         Code
Item1    &nb

Extract sp_execute value to a variable to compare

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Extract sp_execute value to a variable to compare

I want to take the sp_executesql results to a variable to further compare the results.

Please suggest how to do it.

[code language="sql"]
declare @linkedserverName varchar(100)

Whole list from csv

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Whole list from csv
I get returned a table where objectname can be a list of objects separated by a comma.

How can I return 1 list (table) that has all of these objects. So that I can say:
Select n

Cumulative patches. Any reason Not to Install ?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Cumulative patches. Any reason Not to Install ?
SQL 2016, SP1, Cumulative Update 3 was released a little while ago.

Any reason NOT to install it on my Production servers ?
I installed it on 2 DEV servers without issue. Not sure if it helped or hurt anything.

Transaction replication is looks not working.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Transaction replication is looks not working.
Hi, I Just joined to company and give me to bunch of SQL Servers to do admin.
I noticed there is a PRD DB has configured transactional replication Server A to Server B. Distribution also  configured on  Server A.
Now when look Server A r

First try at Pivot Table

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
First try at Pivot Table
I am trying to create a query with a pivot table which is not something I have done before.
The query must be dynamic because I will not know how many  columns there will be.  In this example I am hard coding in the value but if you look at

SSDT objects used to pipe table data into cube

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SSDT objects used to pipe table data into cube
I posted this in AS group, but perhaps it's belongs here...  Hello, I have created a tabular cube in 2016 format, and I've created a pkg that executes a query on the source external db, and loads into the target table on SQL Server. What are the obje

Whole list from csv

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Whole list from csv
I get returned a table where objectname can be a list of objects separated by a comma.

How can I return 1 list (table) that has all of these objects. So that I can say:
Select n

First try at Pivot Table

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
First try at Pivot Table
I am trying to create a query with a pivot table which is not something I have done before.
The query must be dynamic because I will not know how many  columns there will be.  In this example I am hard coding in the value but if you look at

Finding When Someone Last Ran a DBCC

SQLblog.com - The SQL Server blog spot on the web
Finding When Someone Last Ran a DBCC
  The other day someone on Twitter asked how to find out when or who last ran a DBCC FREEPROCCACHE command on their SQL Server instance. Since this is not an unusual request I figured I would post a few examples of how to find DBCC commands or even many similar commands or events. If you had a regular or Extended Event trace going you could easily look for these types of commands assuming you had the correct events. However there are two ways that I know of to find these using built in default...(read more)

Help me with the ALTER TABLE statement

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Help me with the ALTER TABLE statement
This works fine.. But I like to write this as 2 statements 
1.) Create table  ( via T-SQL )
2.) After creating table add the constraint ( using T-SQL ) 
3.) What I need from you is the syntax ( i searched for it but didnt have l

execute SSIS package from .bat file

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
execute SSIS package from .bat file
Hello SSC,

I have a question about executing SSIS packages from a .bat file. I have been on a few blogs and it looks like I have to configure the SSIS package to do this. I was hoping that I could just create a .bat file to execute the file syste

Import data from csv file

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Import data from csv file
I'm trying to import data from a csv file and having difficulty. The first 34 rows of the file have 2 columns of data I do NOT want. Rows 35 onward have 10 columns of data I do want. I've tried using SSIS and having the package start at column 35 but alth

Creating Identity column reorders table

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Creating Identity column reorders table
I have a table with 1 column (varchar) and when I create an identity column with autoincrement on it.  It does not keep the order which the table is in.  How do I create an identity column without loosing the existing order ?

@@rowcount and the OUTPUT clause

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
@@rowcount and the OUTPUT clause
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]@@rowcount and the OUTPUT clause[/B]

Sync data from local db to Central SQL Server

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Sync data from local db to Central SQL Server

Hi All,

I have a requirement to sync local db data with central SQL server. The remote users (mostly around 10 people) will be using laptop which will host application and local db. The internet conn

Are the posted questions getting worse?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Are the posted questions getting worse?
Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days? I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server. It seems like the general feeling of a lot

More problems with SQL 2014's new Cardinality Estimator

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
More problems with SQL 2014's new Cardinality Estimator

We have an established SQL-based product which has been running just fine (with the occasional problem!) on SQL 2005 ... 2012 for some time. However, tests on SQL 2014 showed an immediate performance car crash; a sl

Help Needed in Date Logic Query

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Help Needed in Date Logic Query

I will need to create query for uservisit tracking.  Below are the sample data to play with
[code language="sql"]

Declare @UserVisit table(userid bigint,VisitedDate dat

Data source view best practice

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Data source view best practice
Hi All,

I need to know whether unused columns in tables/views(excluding named queries) of DSV impacts cube/dimensions processing. for e.g. If I have a table Product with columns(Id,Name,Rate,Color) and created a dimension DimProduct and used

@@rowcount and the OUTPUT clause

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
@@rowcount and the OUTPUT clause
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]@@rowcount and the OUTPUT clause[/B]

Properly Persisted Computed Columns

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Properly Persisted Computed Columns

Paul White walks through a new trace flag in SQL Server 2016 designed to yield better execution plans (and performance) for queries involving computed columns.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX query.... please help.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX query.... please help.
I have this table, column, and string:
Table = audit_log 
Column named = request_u
Example column value = http://stable-test.test.net/api/f

That's a Switch!

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
That's a Switch!
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]That's a Switch![/B]

Handling Data Corruption

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Handling Data Corruption
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Handling Data Corruption[/B]

Help Needed in Date Logic Query

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Help Needed in Date Logic Query

I will need to create query for uservisit tracking.  Below are the sample data to play with
[code language="sql"]

Declare @UserVisit table(userid bigint,VisitedDate dat

Mingis on Tech: The lowdown on Cisco Live

Network World Data Center
Mingis on Tech: The lowdown on Cisco Live
Network World's Brandon Butler checks in from Las Vegas, where this week's Cisco Live is under way. The big story: Cisco's efforts to move from hardware to software, security and "intent-based networking."

Slow Transaction Log Restores

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Slow Transaction Log Restores
I'm investigating into some slow transaction log restores - mostly they are from the larger transaction log files created by index maintenance or consistency check tasks. Some of the files are a few gig and take 50+ minutes to restore (just the re

Unable to understand the Query Logic

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Unable to understand the Query Logic
While I was browsing for some interesting puzzles on t-sql  I found the below one. but I am unable to understand the logic
in the solution. Could someone here please help out on what exactly happening in this query.&nbs

Using Cursors And Fetch

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Using Cursors And Fetch
Hi Guys,

I'm writing a basic data entry app with VB.Net.  I'm in the process of attempting to convert client side code to server side code.  My app has buttons to facilitate all the basic CRUD operations Add Edit Update Delete and Cance

Data Source Connectivity Not working with impersonation

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Data Source Connectivity Not working with impersonation
Hi All,

Thanks for looking into my question...

I have a Sharepoint Integrated Installation of SSRS 2016.  
Trying to setup a shared datasource for the reports and I have checked the following options. 

Ireland the best place to set up a data center in the EU

Network World Data Center
Ireland the best place to set up a data center in the EU

A report from a data center consulting group BroadGroup says Ireland is the best place, at least in Europe, to set up a data center. It cites connectivity, taxes and active government support among the reasons.

BroadGroup’s report argued Ireland’s status in the EU, as well as its “low corporate tax environment,” make it an attractive location. It also cites connectivity, as Ireland will get a direct submarine cable system from Ireland to France—bypassing the U.K.—in 2019. The country also has a high installed base of fibre and dark fibre with further deployment planned.

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Choosing Windows for your organization should get you fired

Network World Data Center
Choosing Windows for your organization should get you fired

In the wake of yet another ransomware attack—this time named NotPetya—I have a special message specifically for those of you working in organizations that continue to run Microsoft Windows as the operating system on either your servers or your desktops:

You are doing a terrible job and should probably be fired. 

I know. That’s harsh. 

But it’s true. If you haven’t yet replaced Windows, across the board, you absolutely stink at your job. 

For years, we’ve had one trojan, worm and virus after another. And almost every single one is specifically targeting Microsoft Windows. Not MacOS. Not Linux. Not DOS. Not Unix. Windows. 

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Problem with getting SSIS package to successfully execute. Looking for stop-gap solution allowing user to update a table column w/ flat file data. Advice needed.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Problem with getting SSIS package to successfully execute. Looking for stop-gap solution allowing user to update a table column w/ flat file data. Advice needed.
I inherited support of an application that uses SSIS packages to run nightly jobs to update the database.  A user recently requested adding a datetime column representing "Registration Date".  The application's database tables do not currently h

Inside the DreamWorks: A look at the animation studio's powerful network

Network World Data Center
Inside the DreamWorks: A look at the animation studio's powerful network

If you don’t know what DreamWorks is, you probably haven’t been to the movies for a couple decades. It’s a digital film studio that turns out critically acclaimed CGI animated movies like Shrek, Madagascar, and Kung Fu Panda, averaging about two a year since the turn of the century, and a major contributor to the cause of keeping kids occupied for a couple of hours.

The creation of CGI movies is enormously demanding from a network standpoint. Animation and rendering require very low input latency and create huge files that have to be readily available, which poses technological challenges to the DreamWorks networking team.

+ALSO ON NETWORK WORLD: What Cisco's new programmable switches mean for you + Trend: Colocation facilities provide tools to manage data center infrastructure

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@@rowcount and the OUTPUT clause

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
@@rowcount and the OUTPUT clause
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]@@rowcount and the OUTPUT clause[/B]

Unable to understand the Query Logic

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Unable to understand the Query Logic
While I was browsing for some interesting puzzles on t-sql  I found the below one. but I am unable to understand the logic
in the solution. Could someone here please help out on what exactly happening in this query.&nbs

AlwaysOn availability doesn't fail over when power off primary

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
AlwaysOn availability doesn't fail over when power off primary
Hi there

in a hyper-v environment I have set up two SQL server 2016 standard (on Windows Server 2016) servers and installed the fail over cluster feature on both nodes. After this, I created an availability group and configured a database as part

Problem with getting SSIS package to successfully execute. Looking for stop-gap solution allowing user to update a table column w/ flat file data. Advice needed.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Problem with getting SSIS package to successfully execute. Looking for stop-gap solution allowing user to update a table column w/ flat file data. Advice needed.
I inherited support of an application that uses SSIS packages to run nightly jobs to update the database.  A user recently requested adding a datetime column representing "Registration Date".  The application's database tables do not currently h

SQL Server is Lagging a Bit

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQL Server is Lagging a Bit
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]SQL Server is Lagging a Bit[/B]

Someone please help - SSIS - Get info from SQL server table about which particular files to load in target SQL server table

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Someone please help - SSIS - Get info from SQL server table about which particular files to load in target SQL server table
Hi all,
I am struggling with the problem as below.
"A folder contains many source files (may be excel or text file). Need to create a solution which gets the information from SQL server table about
which particular file/files will get loaded

SQL Down Under Show 71–Joe Sack and Shreya Verma on Adaptive Query Plans and Graph API

SQLblog.com - The SQL Server blog spot on the web
SQL Down Under Show 71–Joe Sack and Shreya Verma on Adaptive Query Plans and Graph API

Hi Folks,

I had the pleasure recently to record a podcast with an old friend Joe Sack who is working with Adaptive Query Plans in SQL Server 2017.

Joining us was Shreya Verma (also from the product team), discussing the Graph API (also in SQL Server 2017).

You’ll find it here: http://www.sqldownunder.com/podcasts

Enjoy !

Comic for 2017.06.28

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2017.06.28
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Populate table with column retrieved from a stored procedure using SET processing

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Populate table with column retrieved from a stored procedure using SET processing
We are in a migration from Oracle to SQL Server, so I'm learning T-SQL.
The final problem will be more complicated than this, but I'm starting from a small test case,
so I appreciate the help.

Goal:  Populate a target table of 4 c

Untrusted Constraints

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Untrusted Constraints
Morning All,

I have a need to demonstrate the difference between execution plans when a constraint is trusted and untrusted.

I've set up the example but now that I have made the foreign key trusted (using with check check constraint) and

Replace Bad Characters in Table

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Replace Bad Characters in Table
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Replace Bad Characters in Table[/B]

Comic for 2017.06.27

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2017.06.27
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Using SQLExpress in Production

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Using SQLExpress in Production
Hi All, I must first confess that I am not a network admin and I am by no means a SQL Server expert. I am a .NET developer that is completing a small e-commerce application that I am about to roll out. I plan to use the hosting company that I have

LOOPING a Delete Store Procedure

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
LOOPING a Delete Store Procedure

I have the Following SP that will be sending the data to archive data before deleting data from tables, I'm trying to figure out what would be the best practice for this to have a while Loop in o

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Help for DBAs Who Support SSIS…

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Help for DBAs Who Support SSIS…

SSIS Catalog Compare helps DBAs work with their SSIS project configurations and catalogs, deploying changes from environment to environment.


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Priaboost :- Whatever used to bother mobs about their Prominent Strength And Size now pales in comparison to Prominent Strength And Size yet if you have had Prominent Strength And Size for at least six weeks, then you have what is referred to as Prominent

Comic for June 23, 2017

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for June 23, 2017
Dilbert readers - Please visit Dilbert.com to read this feature. Due to changes with our feeds, we are now making this RSS feed a link to Dilbert.com.

Help needed in resolving dead lock

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Help needed in resolving dead lock
Hello All,

We are getting frequent deadlocks on one of sql server instance.
Any help\suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Below is the deadlock info.

2017-06-23 12:05:26.760 spid28s deadlock-list
2017-06-23 12:05:26.

SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX query.... please help.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX query.... please help.
I have this table, column, and string:
Table = audit_log 
Column named = request_u
Example column value = http://stable-test.test.net/api/f

SQL Server is Lagging a Bit

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQL Server is Lagging a Bit
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]SQL Server is Lagging a Bit[/B]


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Why I could not able shrink Tempdb even free space available in Tempdb.

Please find attached screenshot .

If statement in T-SQL

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
If statement in T-SQL
Hi guys,

I am trying to display item_name with a new category, which says the following term ( i have pasted my whole query) :

declare @item varchar(50) 
Select @item = item_name from order_items
If @item = 'charger' or @ite

How to add cost per hotel and flight in duration cost table

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
How to add cost per hotel and flight in duration cost table
How to get cost per hotel and flight then add it in duration cost table based on flight date
suppose i write flight date
26/07/2017 alexia 8days 04/08/2017
it must automatically get cost from ho

Problem with getting SSIS package to successfully execute. Looking for stop-gap solution allowing user to update a table column w/ flat file data. Advice needed.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Problem with getting SSIS package to successfully execute. Looking for stop-gap solution allowing user to update a table column w/ flat file data. Advice needed.
I inherited support of an application that uses SSIS packages to run nightly jobs to update the database.  A user recently requested adding a datetime column representing "Registration Date".  The application's database tables do not currently h

INCLUDE columns in nonclustered index which are in PK

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
INCLUDE columns in nonclustered index which are in PK

I was discussing  include columns with a co-worker because he had put primary key columns in his list of INCLUDE columns in a non-clustered index he built. I was going to suggest he remove them (because a non-clustered index already

How Can I Write A Query That Sums the Number of Occurrences Of a Value and Groups Them Into Ranges

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
How Can I Write A Query That Sums the Number of Occurrences Of a Value and Groups Them Into Ranges
I need a query that sums the number of occurrences of a value and group them into ranges.  For example, in AdventureWorks the employee table, I can run the following query

SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX query.... please help.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX query.... please help.
I have this table, column, and string:
Table = audit_log 
Column named = request_u
Example column value = http://stable-test.test.net/api/f

Extract column from flatfile

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Extract column from flatfile
I have to extaract  a column from faltfile , whose characters /length is "55575". How is that possible? it is then loaded toa  table from flatfile.

i took column width in  table   as nvarchar(max). But when co

DOE taps 6 firms for exascale computing research

Network World Data Center
DOE taps 6 firms for exascale computing research

The Department of Energy has awarded six tech firms a total of $258 million in funding for research and development into exascale computing. The move comes as the U.S. is falling behind in the world of top supercomputers.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry announced that AMD, Cray, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM, Intel and Nvidia will receive financial support from the Department of Energy over the course of a three-year period. The funding will finance research and development in three main areas: hardware technology, software technology and application development.

Each company will provide 40 percent of the overall project cost in addition to the government funding. The plan is for one of those companies to be able to deliver an exascale-capable supercomputer by 2021. It’s part of the DOE’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP), which in turn is part of its new PathForward program, designed to accelerate the research necessary to deploy the nation’s first exascale supercomputers.

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Convert integer to date

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Convert integer to date
In a flat file source (that comes from a Microsoft publishing "Training Kit - Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012") i have integer based column representing birth date (BirthDate) , something like this 20170625. I can't

INCLUDE columns in nonclustered index which are in PK

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
INCLUDE columns in nonclustered index which are in PK

I was discussing  include columns with a co-worker because he had put primary key columns in his list of INCLUDE columns in a non-clustered index he built. I was going to suggest he remove them (because a non-clustered index already

Comic for 2017.06.27

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2017.06.27
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

About compatibility in SSAS

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
About compatibility in SSAS
Hello, I'm getting this message everytime I want to deploy a tabular cube : "Errors in the metadata manager. Multidimensional databases support CompatibilityLevel equal to 1050 or 1100 only", I verified the compatibility in XMLA file, and it's already

Good Book for SQL Server Reporting Services

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Good Book for SQL Server Reporting Services
I started reading some online books through a trial service. Is there any books on SSRS that anyone would recommend? Has anyone read SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services Cookbook? Is that good or are there others that would be better?


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Hello all 

We have an issue that while running a process we get the following error. We are running SQL Server 2014 SP1 but the issue is intermittent which makes it more confusing. Our

Classifying Sensitive Data

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Classifying Sensitive Data
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Classifying Sensitive Data[/B]

SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX query.... please help.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX query.... please help.
I have this table, column, and string:
Table = audit_log 
Column named = request_u
Example column value = http://stable-test.test.net/api/f

Slow Transaction Log Restores

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Slow Transaction Log Restores
I'm investigating into some slow transaction log restores - mostly they are from the larger transaction log files created by index maintenance or consistency check tasks. Some of the files are a few gig and take 50+ minutes to restore (just the re

The Traveling Data Professional

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
The Traveling Data Professional
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]The Traveling Data Professional[/B]

Monday, June 26, 2017

the All Blacks when they take on the Hurricanes

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
the All Blacks when they take on the Hurricanes
[url=http://www.womensmarchcanada.com/ombabhot/espn_british_and_irish_lions_vs_hurricanes_live_stream_rugby_2017_gameguide_online_27_june_2017]British and Irish Lions vs Hurricanes Live Streaming[/url]

Use T-SQL to Find Folders Using the Most Disk Space

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Use T-SQL to Find Folders Using the Most Disk Space

Your SQL Server drives are running out of disk space and you want a way to quickly tell which sub-directories are taking the most space - here's how to do it with T-SQL.

Slow Transaction Log Restores

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Slow Transaction Log Restores
I'm investigating into some slow transaction log restores - mostly they are from the larger transaction log files created by index maintenance or consistency check tasks. Some of the files are a few gig and take 50+ minutes to restore (just the re

Unable to understand the Query Logic

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Unable to understand the Query Logic
While I was browsing for some interesting puzzles on t-sql  I found the below one. but I am unable to understand the logic
in the solution. Could someone here please help out on what exactly happening in this query.&nbs

Are the posted questions getting worse?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Are the posted questions getting worse?
Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days? I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server. It seems like the general feeling of a lot

Creative IT Learning

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Creative IT Learning
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Creative IT Learning[/B]

Null Defaults

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Null Defaults
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Null Defaults[/B]

Today's Random Word!

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Today's Random Word!
HI When you woke up today, or logged-onto Opera Forums, you may have had a dream, a thought, a scene or a word running through your mind... Jump on that word... And. Post it here by it's thumbs! :hat: Quickly! Before it becomes a number!

Using Cursors And Fetch

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Using Cursors And Fetch
Hi Guys,

I'm writing a basic data entry app with VB.Net.  I'm in the process of attempting to convert client side code to server side code.  My app has buttons to facilitate all the basic CRUD operations Add Edit Update Delete and Cance

Are the posted questions getting worse?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Are the posted questions getting worse?
Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days? I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server. It seems like the general feeling of a lot

The Traveling Data Professional

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
The Traveling Data Professional
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]The Traveling Data Professional[/B]

Help needed in resolving dead lock

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Help needed in resolving dead lock
Hello All,

We are getting frequent deadlocks on one of sql server instance.
Any help\suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Below is the deadlock info.

2017-06-23 12:05:26.760 spid28s deadlock-list
2017-06-23 12:05:26.

JSON query issues

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JSON query issues
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]JSON query issues[/B]

[SQL SERVER AGENT] related query

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
[SQL SERVER AGENT] related query
Take a look at he picture.
We have many jobs. How can I write a SELECT statement that would tell me which job uses a particular dtsx file as a part of the job.
I understand a job can have many steps.
But lets make this simple, if I the query c

Problem with getting SSIS package to successfully execute. Looking for stop-gap solution allowing user to update a table column w/ flat file data. Advice needed.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Problem with getting SSIS package to successfully execute. Looking for stop-gap solution allowing user to update a table column w/ flat file data. Advice needed.
I inherited support of an application that uses SSIS packages to run nightly jobs to update the database.  A user recently requested adding a datetime column representing "Registration Date".  The application's database tables do not currently h

Tools that increase IT efficiency pave the way for digital transformations

Network World Data Center
Tools that increase IT efficiency pave the way for digital transformations

Inflexible IT architectures can be a barrier to organizational change. As companies embark on digital transformations aimed at improving their business, the pressure is on IT to reduce complexity and increase the efficiency of enterprise systems and applications. Fave Raves is an annual feature from Network World that invites IT pros to share hands-on assessments of products they love. Several tools that enable organizations to simplify their infrastructure and automate key tasks ranked among the favorites in 2017 and recent years. Here’s what IT pros had to say, in their own words. For more enterprise favorites, check out the full Fave Raves collection.

To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Improving Replication

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Improving Replication
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Improving Replication[/B]

Comic for 2017.06.26

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2017.06.26
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

How can get sequence Log (Object log) history,

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
How can get sequence Log (Object log) history,
How can get sequence Log (Object log) history, date ,minimum and max values for a day wise in Oracle Or SQL.

Parallelism (Repartition Streams) 55% in exec Plan, can I fight it ?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Parallelism (Repartition Streams) 55% in exec Plan, can I fight it ?
Hi, I just saw that symbol in my plan for complicated sp and don't get it if I can improve anything to make it faster. Parallelism (Repartition Streams) 55% I assume that we have parallelism running in this case, is there any way to look inside

Select In Xml Field

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Select In Xml Field
I have problem with select. I need to have a value of NumberSerializedLabels in this xml structure in another column. This xml structure is in field in the database.
Something Like:

<?xml version="1.0"

Workplace Encounters: Using Volume Mount Points in SQL FCIs

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Workplace Encounters: Using Volume Mount Points in SQL FCIs
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Workplace Encounters: Using Volume Mount Points in SQL FCIs[/B]

SSIS SQL Agent can't acces sharepoint network drive

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SSIS SQL Agent can't acces sharepoint network drive
Hi there,

We have this issue here, that we've been trying to solve for a couple of days, but could'nt work out, I hope somebody here can shed some light in to this  (dark) matter.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Today's Random Word!

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Today's Random Word!
HI When you woke up today, or logged-onto Opera Forums, you may have had a dream, a thought, a scene or a word running through your mind... Jump on that word... And. Post it here by it's thumbs! :hat: Quickly! Before it becomes a number!

Setting up R in SQL 2016 – Avoiding Pitfalls

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Setting up R in SQL 2016 – Avoiding Pitfalls

Setting up R in SQL 2016 proved to be trickier than expected, but here is how to avoid the frustrations.

EXTERNAL_ACCESS Assembly Signing Question

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
EXTERNAL_ACCESS Assembly Signing Question
I want to be able to deploy CLR assemblies to SQL Server for SQL CLR procedures and functions that need EXTERNAL_ACCESS.
I don't want to have to create a separate master db asymmetric key and associated login for each assembly I deploy.
So I tried


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Why I could not able shrink Tempdb even free space available in Tempdb.

Please find attached screenshot .

Using Cursors And Fetch

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Using Cursors And Fetch
Hi Guys,

I'm writing a basic data entry app with VB.Net.  I'm in the process of attempting to convert client side code to server side code.  My app has buttons to facilitate all the basic CRUD operations Add Edit Update Delete and Cance

Why Object Databases will always be Tomorrow's Technology

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Why Object Databases will always be Tomorrow's Technology
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Why Object Databases will always be Tomorrow's Technology[/B]

Side-By-Side DLL Error

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Side-By-Side DLL Error
Saturday morning a job that was running suddenly stopped populating 1 of the columns, although the job kept running and updated the others columns. At the same time the column stopped populating, the Server Application Log shows this:

The column

replacing hard coded value with column name fails the query

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
replacing hard coded value with column name fails the query
Below I've commented out what is failing to work. By fail, i mean no result set.

when i substitute o.Datekey for '2017-05-17' i get no result set, when I leave hardcoded 

BI Beginner: Using R Forecasting Visualization

SQLblog.com - The SQL Server blog spot on the web
BI Beginner: Using R Forecasting Visualization
There are new HTML 5 enabled custom visualization for making interactive R visualizations in Power BI Desktop. Read the documentation and find the download links here . Because of the dependency on R packages that are loaded with the R library command. The end result is that your required R packages are installed into your machine’s R library. Some R experts, the people who can help you, may have a tendency to be pedantic about exactly what is a library and what is a package. I point out the terminology...(read more)

Microsoft SQL Server Utilities and Tools

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Microsoft SQL Server Utilities and Tools
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Microsoft SQL Server Utilities and Tools[/B]

SQL Server 2016 SSIS Basics

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQL Server 2016 SSIS Basics
We have the Stairway to SSIS, but things have changed. I had a request for installing SSDT and a basic SSIS package. Maybe import a CSV file? If someone wants to do a short series,
- install SSDT, basic package
- add some tasks, maybe lookup, spl

How to calculate cost of flight and hotel and transfer per every program ?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
How to calculate cost of flight and hotel and transfer per every program ?
How to design database for tourism company to calculate cost of flight and hotel per every program tour based on date ?

Comic for 2017.06.25

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2017.06.25
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

round pick news and trade reports

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
round pick news and trade reports
[url=http://www.womensmarchcanada.com/aravtersib/_fifa_live_chile_vs_australia_l_i_v_e_s_t_r_e_a_m_confederations_cup_tv]Chile vs Australia Live Streaming[/url]

SQL Azure Reporting Automation

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SQL Azure Reporting Automation
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]SQL Azure Reporting Automation[/B]

the calendar for the world's finest Formula One drivers

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
the calendar for the world's finest Formula One drivers
[url=http://www.womensmarchcanada.com/tshaunttau/fox_f1_azerbaijan_grand_prix_2017_live_stream_baku_formulaone_online]F1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2017 Live Streaming[/url]

DBCC Check hanging, killed but does not roll back.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
DBCC Check hanging, killed but does not roll back.
Hi everyone.

I have a problem with a Killed session.
The command Issued was
(Ola Halengrens scripts we


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
deleted  post, found answer 

Help needed in resolving dead lock

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Help needed in resolving dead lock
Hello All,

We are getting frequent deadlocks on one of sql server instance.
Any help\suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Below is the deadlock info.

2017-06-23 12:05:26.760 spid28s deadlock-list
2017-06-23 12:05:26.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

replacing hard coded value with column name fails the query

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
replacing hard coded value with column name fails the query
Below I've commented out what is failing to work. By fail, i mean no result set.

when i substitute o.Datekey for '2017-05-17' i get no result set, when I leave hardcoded 

Approaching Politics in IT

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Approaching Politics in IT
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Approaching Politics in IT[/B]

What motivates you to do your best?

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What motivates you to do your best?
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]What motivates you to do your best?[/B]

replacing hard coded value with column name fails the query - simple query with subquery

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
replacing hard coded value with column name fails the query - simple query with subquery
Below I've commented out what is failing to work. By fail, i mean no result set.

when i substitute o.Datekey for '2017-05-17' i get no result set, when I leave hardcoded 

Wait events

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Wait events
How to find wait events of a sql in SQL server?

Thanks  & Regards

24 Hours of PASS (July 2017) - Summit Preview

SQLblog.com - The SQL Server blog spot on the web
24 Hours of PASS (July 2017) - Summit Preview

Which topics can you expect to see at the PASS Summit 2017 ? Find it out from July 19 to 20, 2017 at the 24 Hours of PASS Summit Preview edition.

Register now at this link, thanks to the Sponsors, the 24 Hours of PASS is presented at no cost for you!

This edition of 24 Hours of PASS wants to be a sneak taste of what you can expect from the next PASS Summit that will be in Seattle (WA) from October 31 to November 03, 2017.

No matter from what part of the world you will follow the event, the important thing is to know that they will be 24 hours of continuous training on Microsoft Data Platform... direct on your desk!


SQL Server v.Next - Linux Installation Step by Step

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SQL Server v.Next - Linux Installation Step by Step
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]SQL Server v.Next - Linux Installation Step by Step[/B]

SQL Azure Reporting Automation

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SQL Azure Reporting Automation
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]SQL Azure Reporting Automation[/B]