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Monday, July 31, 2017

Who's Licensed?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Who's Licensed?
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Who's Licensed?[/B]

SQL Server Management Studio add-ins

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
SQL Server Management Studio add-ins

Complete list of useful and must have add-ins for SQL Server Management Studio - 32 SSMS add-ins

sqlmonitor How to fix SQL Server disk I/O bottlenecks (without a hammer)
In this new article, Simple-Talk editor Tony Davis explains step-by-step how to find and fix the root causes of disk I/O bottlenecks, including gathering data, avoiding knee-jerk fixes, and how monitoring tools can help. Read now.

Decryption Woes

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Decryption Woes
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Decryption Woes[/B]

Should I Re-design table?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Should I Re-design table?
This table has high transactions with select, insert, update, delete and It index got fragmentation about 90% after rebuild 3-4 hour, also deadlock
What should I do with this?

SQL Logins from 2005 to 2012, but also to new domain.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQL Logins from 2005 to 2012, but also to new domain.
Hi everyone,

I wondered if someone might lend me a bit of advice based on their experience?

I have migrated SQL logins before, but this was from 2005 to 2008R2, I realize that things have changed and sp_helprev_login has been deprecated

Sum of Matrix & Year calculation

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Sum of Matrix & Year calculation
Can someone please help with my issue-
I have 3 matrix in my report.All the matrix have same kind of row and column group.I am using the running value function in them.I want to make another table which adds up the data from the 3 matrix.i also want t

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'
Hi guys

I have installed SQL Server 2016 development edition with CU3 including SQL Database Engine, SSRS, SSAS, SSIS all on one box called SQLDEV16. As part of my test, I have ported all existing databases from production to SQLDEV16, as well as

Postgres SQL

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Postgres SQL
I have to connect to source PostgreSQL and pull some data. Thing is i did not work on PostgreSQL before.
I was trying to  do same as tsql and realized i  was doing wrong. Can anyone help me re-write TSQl query to PostgreSQL?


Creating a Robust SSIS Development Environment using the SSIS Catalog

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Creating a Robust SSIS Development Environment using the SSIS Catalog
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Creating a Robust SSIS Development Environment using the SSIS Catalog [/B]

Cursor Performance

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Cursor Performance
OK so we have an application that has gone through an upgrade which also saw the database move from a vmware virtual server with SQL 2008 R2 SP3 to

When does Powershell become indispensible?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
When does Powershell become indispensible?
I have been reading articles over the last 6 months that have come my way which discuss the crossroads of Powershell and DBA responsibilities, but I'm just not seeing the utility.  I feel like there's something I'm missing. For instance, I'm currentl

Created my first quiz! A quiz about Dynamic Mgmt Views

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Created my first quiz! A quiz about Dynamic Mgmt Views
Okay... I started using a presentation tool to help document the application I am building.  Noticed yesterday that I could create a quiz with it too.  Have to share ya know :-)

Not a lot about specific DMV questions.  Mo

Cray buys Seagate’s enterprise storage array business

Network World Data Center
Cray buys Seagate’s enterprise storage array business

Supercomputer specialist Cray announced it is acquiring Seagate’s ClusterStor HPC storage array business for an undisclosed sum as part of a strategic deal and partnership. The deal should close in the third quarter. 

Cray will take over development, manufacturing, support and sales of the ClusterStor product line, picking up 100 Seagate employees in the process. Seagate acquired Xyratex, the maker of ClusterStor for $374 million in 2014. 

Cray already sells ClusterStor under its Sonexion scale out Lustre arrays. Sonexion is based on ClusterStor, so it simply comes in-house. Cray is the biggest OEM for the ClusterStor line. 

Even though Cray was already knee deep in ClusterStor, it brought the technology in-house so it can reduce margins and push further on development to align with its strategy, which sounds like it intends to compete with Dell EMC. 

To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

For three years oil watchers have

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
For three years oil watchers have
For three years oil watchers have

stored procedure to copy a record

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
stored procedure to copy a record
trying to create a stored procedure to copy a record in the same table where the reference number is reference number  +1 of the last reference number and the ID also increases .
here is the stored procedure i used and when i try to execute the p

Transaction replication broke for reason unknown on the 30/7/2017

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Transaction replication broke for reason unknown on the 30/7/2017
We have run into an issue with our transactional replication since the weekend.
Nothing as far as im aware has been changed, but when I came back into the office after the weekend, our tx replication was broken.
Its replicating from sql

Comic for 2017.07.31

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2017.07.31
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Creating a Robust SSIS Development Environment using the SSIS Catalog

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Creating a Robust SSIS Development Environment using the SSIS Catalog
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Creating a Robust SSIS Development Environment using the SSIS Catalog [/B]

[BIT] where already [Date](when happened)]

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
[BIT] where already [Date](when happened)]
I was thinking about how to title this for a few milliseconds and I couldn't come up with anything better. I'm building a new database and while creating a table to store invoices I noticed I did something I've done several times in the past. Check out th

Transaction replication broke for reason unknown on the 30/7/2017

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Transaction replication broke for reason unknown on the 30/7/2017
We have run into an issue with our transactional replication since the weekend.
Nothing as far as im aware has been changed, but when I came back into the office after the weekend, our tx replication was broken.
Its replicating from sql

Litespeed backups

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Litespeed backups
Good Morning Experts,
How backups are faster in Litespeed tool? What is the mechanism that it uses to take faster backups?

Should I Re-design table?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Should I Re-design table?
This table has high transactions with select, insert, update, delete and It index got fragmentation about 90% after rebuild 3-4 hour, also deadlock
What should I do with this?

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'
Hi guys

I have installed SQL Server 2016 development edition with CU3 including SQL Database Engine, SSRS, SSAS, SSIS all on one box called SQLDEV16. As part of my test, I have ported all existing databases from production to SQLDEV16, as well as

The Floor

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
The Floor
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]The Floor[/B]

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Find Database Connection Leaks in Your Application

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Find Database Connection Leaks in Your Application

Michael Swart shows how to investigate and fix database connection leaks, an application issue that can lead to connection timeouts.

Managing Passwords

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Managing Passwords
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Managing Passwords[/B]

Are the posted questions getting worse?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Are the posted questions getting worse?
Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days? I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server. It seems like the general feeling of a lot

i need the max length value of every column in every table in a database

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
i need the max length value of every column in every table in a database
I'm creating some dynamic sql to loop through each table and column and basically generate some dynamis sql that will get the max length of each column in each table in a database. Then store it locally into a table like the below. create table Tabl

Auto DevOps

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Auto DevOps
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Auto DevOps[/B]

Read Access to Database Tables - How do you do it in MS-SQL ?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Read Access to Database Tables - How do you do it in MS-SQL ?
Hi all,
I need to control access to the developers&business users whom (by business rules) are allow to look into certain tables containing actual in the Production database. I have been doing this (below) in Oracle  and I am not sure if ther

exchange for an hour's labor each day

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
exchange for an hour's labor each day
[url=https://nianow.com/gameofthroness07e03]Watch Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3 Online[/url]

against Russia and national security

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
against Russia and national security
[url=https://zoomtext.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115009758646--GOT-TV-Game-Of-Thrones-Season-7-Episode-3-Live-Stream-S7E3]Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3 Live Streaming[/url]

Backup DB as a bak file type?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Backup DB as a bak file type?

I am using SSMS and trying to do a db back.

I select DB > Tasks > Backup.

Type: Full
Destination: Disk   (since its local pc)

File of Type: Selected option: (*bak,*tm)

Problem is when I g

Notification if any plan changes against any specific table/procedure

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Notification if any plan changes against any specific table/procedure

Is there anyway I can get notified if there is any new plan in place against any specific table object or a procedure that I get notified via email and then I take a quick look to find what is going on?

If there is any suitable wa

In King's Landing, the capital, Ned's friend King

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
In King's Landing, the capital, Ned's friend King
[url=https://nianow.com/hbo-game-of-thrones-season-7-episode-3-live-s07e03-online]Game Of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3 Online Stream[/url]

Your Personal Health in Information Technology

SQLblog.com - The SQL Server blog spot on the web
Your Personal Health in Information Technology
How is your health? How is your job in information technology affecting your health? I want to know! Since I started blogging here almost a decade ago as a new Microsoft Most Valuable Professional, I’ve become a registered nurse and now I’m a full-time psychiatric nurse practitioner student. There are articles and studies purporting that information technology is a low stress career field. Other articles and studies say that information technology is a high stress career field. I found articles that...(read more)

Backup DB as a bak file type?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Backup DB as a bak file type?

I am using SSMS and trying to do a db back.

I select DB > Tasks > Backup.

Type: Full
Destination: Disk   (since its local pc)

File of Type: Selected option: (*bak,*tm)

Problem is when I g

Showing statement using case clause

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Showing statement using case clause
Hi guys, I am new here and I am very interested in SQL (and learning).

I have the following query and would like to show the Customer Type in a table as follow:


Read Access to Database Tables - How do you do it in MS-SQL ?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Read Access to Database Tables - How do you do it in MS-SQL ?
Hi all,
I need to control access to the developers&business users whom (by business rules) are allow to look into certain tables containing actual in the Production database. I have been doing this (below) in Oracle  and I am not sure if ther

Memory Issue - SQL Server 2008 R2

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Memory Issue - SQL Server 2008 R2

Last saturday I migrated a sql server 2008 r2 sp3 from a server Dell R730 Xeon E5-2697v3 with 512GB
to a server Dell R730 Xeon E5-2697v4 and 768GB, the old machine was allocated both min and max server memory the value 470GB,

SQL Server 2014 AlwaysOn failover

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQL Server 2014 AlwaysOn failover
Hi everyone,

I have 3 SQL servers 2014 Enterprise (Windows Servers 2012 R2) in a cluster AlwaysOn on 1 availability group and that are configured as follows:

Availability Group 1

Script task disappears when SSIS is deployed to SQL Server 2014

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Script task disappears when SSIS is deployed to SQL Server 2014

When I compile and deploy the project to SQL Server 2012 (SSIS version 6) everything works as expected. But when I compile and deploy the project to SQL Server 2014 (SSIS version updates to 8) all the script tasks dis

Washington home of Microsoft where

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Washington home of Microsoft where
[url=http://www.generationzero.org/rajeshekrt/_watchespn_hungarian_grand_prix_2017_live_stream_f1_online_tv_cast]Hungarian Grand Prix 2017 Live Streaming[/url]

Are the posted questions getting worse?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Are the posted questions getting worse?
Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days? I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server. It seems like the general feeling of a lot

Display members with active cards

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Display members with active cards
Hi guys,

I have a little complicated issue,
I want to display all the members in the Allmembers table, and their card number.
However, when I have a member that have two or more cards ( one is active, the rest are inactive) i want it to d

Script task disappears when SSIS is deployed to SQL Server 2014

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Script task disappears when SSIS is deployed to SQL Server 2014

When I compile and deploy the project to SQL Server 2012 (SSIS version 6) everything works as expected. But when I compile and deploy the project to SQL Server 2014 (SSIS version updates to 8) all the script tasks dis

Comic for 2017.07.30

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2017.07.30
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Artifacts and structures suggest

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Artifacts and structures suggest
[url=https://battlefy.com/ufc-214-watch/%5Bfoxppv%5Dufc-214-live-stream-watch-mma-daniel-cormier-vs-jon-jones-2-fight-night-preview/597d2f7c7eaf7f032c3be160/info]UFC 214 Live Streaming[/url]

Who's Smarter? Humans or AI Systems?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Who's Smarter? Humans or AI Systems?
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Who's Smarter? Humans or AI Systems?[/B]

Are the posted questions getting worse?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Are the posted questions getting worse?
Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days? I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server. It seems like the general feeling of a lot

Notification if any plan changes against any specific table/procedure

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Notification if any plan changes against any specific table/procedure

Is there anyway I can get notified if there is any new plan in place against any specific table object or a procedure that I get notified via email and then I take a quick look to find what is going on?

If there is any suitable wa

in the timetomeo t mis shememoemoere

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics

Cursor Performance

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Cursor Performance
OK so we have an application that has gone through an upgrade which also saw the database move from a vmware virtual server with SQL 2008 R2 SP3 to

Synonyms causing performance issue - database on same server

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Synonyms causing performance issue - database on same server
I have synonyms created that point to a database on the same server.  I have been using them for 2 years with no problems until now.  I have a query and if I point it directly to the database, it returns data.  If I use the synonyms, i

Litespeed backups

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Litespeed backups
Good Morning Experts,
How backups are faster in Litespeed tool? What is the mechanism that it uses to take faster backups?

Running remote services from SQL Server Agent

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Running remote services from SQL Server Agent

We have a nightly refresh job that updates our database.  In order to ensure that there are no queries running when the refresh starts, it's desired to shut down an application service running on a remote server that may be actively using the data

Timeouts Popping Up for Production Database

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Timeouts Popping Up for Production Database
Exceptions - timeout and connection pool errors are starting to appear in a database for a web application which accesses its data using Entity Framework.  This is only happening recently and as I only took over the application no change has been mad

How to get lastest active record near to getdate

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
How to get lastest active record near to getdate
Member can be enrolled multiple times in a year and can change plan anytime, I need to get C_level data for latest near to get date that is 

SQLCMD and Batch File magic

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQLCMD and Batch File magic
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]SQLCMD and Batch File magic[/B]

Are the posted questions getting worse?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Are the posted questions getting worse?
Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days? I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server. It seems like the general feeling of a lot

Comic for 2017.07.29

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2017.07.29
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Friday, July 28, 2017


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Testo ultra In spite of the fact that there is the alternative of getting a testosterone boosting surgery yet actually, I am not in the support of suc

how to deploy 10 T-SQL scripts across 200 databases

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
how to deploy 10 T-SQL scripts across 200 databases
Hi ,
Can any one suggest an efficient way where we can apply about 10 T-SQL scripts on about 200 databases and show the management a log file that the scripts were applied correctly?
We cannot use any third party tools.


Today's Random Word!

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Today's Random Word!
HI When you woke up today, or logged-onto Opera Forums, you may have had a dream, a thought, a scene or a word running through your mind... Jump on that word... And. Post it here by it's thumbs! :hat: Quickly! Before it becomes a number!

store procedure running problem

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
store procedure running problem
Hi All,

             when we insert some data into table then we execute the procedure first time then it will take 2 min.next time it will executive the 1sec. Agian  next day we insert the data into table

SQL Script Management Tool

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQL Script Management Tool
SQL Gumbo Script Store

Mods...remove this if not appropriate. .......I am creating a SQL script management tool.  It started out

Are the posted questions getting worse?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Are the posted questions getting worse?
Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days? I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server. It seems like the general feeling of a lot

SSRS Result Set Question

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SSRS Result Set Question
I'm trying to change this sql query from if-else to set-based.  However, the first set-based query is picked up by SSRS even if it has 0 records.  

Azure Flash Friday: Jul 28, 2017

Azure Flash Friday
Azure Flash Friday: Jul 28, 2017

DTA Stop in between will DTa not release the control

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
DTA Stop in between will DTa not release the control

If the DTA is stopped is between while running on a database (all tables) on Plan Cache, can that create a Deadlock?  Sometime back I found similar situation where I found one connection through that the DTA ran spawned huge threads. Is

Need Code Help - Query Entire Table's Data

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Need Code Help - Query Entire Table's Data
I'm currently working on a project in Visual Studio 2015 along with SQL server 2014, with the goal of connecting to a web interface and pulling data from that interface to be displayed in a central location. 

I have successfully connected to

How to Extract some part of text from varchar.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
How to Extract some part of text from varchar.

Hello Good Morning,

Can you please let me know this... need to extract number from varchar string in below case

Create Table #MyTask (Detail1 Varchar(100))

Insert Into #MyTask Values ('1.5% or below')
Insert Into #MyTask Values (

Timeouts Popping Up for Production Database

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Timeouts Popping Up for Production Database
Exceptions - timeout and connection pool errors are starting to appear in a database for a web application which accesses its data using Entity Framework.  This is only happening recently and as I only took over the application no change has been mad

Merge statement when not matched insert

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Merge statement when not matched insert
I am using merge statement to update and insert records to a target table.
My question is when I use when not matched (by target) , can I add additional conditions?

For example

MERGE INTO TargetTable T
USING (select .. from table

SQLCMD and Batch File magic

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQLCMD and Batch File magic
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]SQLCMD and Batch File magic[/B]

Where to put the historical data?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Where to put the historical data?
Good day!

We have a sales ETL and data warehouse running on SQL 2008R2 Standard Edition. There is also a historical database for older data on a SQL 2005 server. Historical data occasionally gets updated during nightly ETL if someone to

Need help exporting to XML

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Need help exporting to XML
I have a query and for some reason I can't get this to work.

bcp "select [fpono] as '@ID', [fpono], [fstatus] from #postatus for XML PATH('PO'), ROOT('POStatus')"


Backup and Restore

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Backup and Restore
I am not DBA person and need to back from production and restore to UAT and I have some understanding issue here as my colleague says Production server is backed up everyday(differential). So  he need not do back up again to restore  to UAT.&nbs

Consistency Errors on System Tables

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Consistency Errors on System Tables

We have a database which is connected to a third-party software.
Recently we have installed a new version of this software which needs to make some changes in the database (new tables, new columns, etc)
During this procedure of updati

Google finally gains traction in cloud services

Network World Data Center
Google finally gains traction in cloud services

Google has long run a distant third behind Amazon and Microsoft in the cloud services business, but it finally seems to be catching some momentum, if the most recent quarter is an indicator of future trajectory. 

During an earnings call with Wall Street analysts, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said that Google Cloud Platform continues to experience “impressive growth across products, sectors and geographies and increasingly with large enterprise customers in regulated sectors.” 

To be more specific, Pichai said Google closed three times as many $500,000-plus deals in the most recent quarter as it did in the same time period last year. Of course, that is kind of pointless without knowing the exact number. And given Alphabet, Google’s parent company, reported overall revenue of $25.8 billion for the quarter, it’s likely a few drops in the bucket. 

To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

SSIS Run As profile to grab Azure data!

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SSIS Run As profile to grab Azure data!
Hi all

I'm having issues setting up a proxy to grab data from an Azure database.
The proxy will only accept a domain account and obviously that isn't going to connect to the Azure database.

Do I need to use an Azure specific connecto

snapshot restores getting slower

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
snapshot restores getting slower
Hi, in one of our test environments I've noticed snapshots restores are taking 4 x the amount of time they where taking a couple of weeks ago .. any ideas as to where to look for root cause ?
some (hopefully)  pertinent info ;

Who's Smarter? Humans or AI Systems?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Who's Smarter? Humans or AI Systems?
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Who's Smarter? Humans or AI Systems?[/B]

Consistency Errors on System Tables

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Consistency Errors on System Tables

We have a database which is connected to a third-party software.
Recently we have installed a new version of this software which needs to make some changes in the database (new tables, new columns, etc)
During this procedure of updati

Thursday, July 27, 2017

sqlcmd variables expansion

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
sqlcmd variables expansion
I have a SQL agent job that uses tokens.  When I script out the job and run in SSMS, it's fine as the tokens are just text.  When I run it through SQLCMD, it's trying to interpret the tokens as variables.  I can use -x to disable varia

7 Things Every SQL Server DBA Should Know About Linux

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
7 Things Every SQL Server DBA Should Know About Linux

In this tip John Grover will help you make the transition to SQL Server on Linux by explaining the things you need to know.

Comic for 2017.07.28

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2017.07.28
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Milou skincare is just accessible through free trial locales where you should agree to accept their auto pay framework. The item is roughly $96 every

Converting XML

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Converting XML
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Converting XML[/B]

A Summit Just North of The Big Easy

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
A Summit Just North of The Big Easy
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]A Summit Just North of The Big Easy[/B]

Slow DataBase and Hyper-V

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Slow DataBase and Hyper-V

In the company I work for, we have a slowness problem in the SQL Server 2014 database.
Today came a "dba" here to "solve" the problem, according to him the problem of slowness is due to the fact of using Hyper-V , And his solution would

Encryption best practice for a Staging to Data store solution.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Encryption best practice for a Staging to Data store solution.
Hi Folks,

I am after some advice. I am working on a solution where I need to BCP data out of a Sybase ASE data source, BCP into a SQL Server 2016 staging database and finally into an operational data store (there will be further warehousing

Identity Insert

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Identity Insert
I am trying to do a identity insert on table [CnP].[WorkComment_test.
[code language="sql"]
CREATE TABLE [CnP].[WorkComment_test](
    [WorkCommentId1] [int] NOT

SQL Server Management Studio 2017

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQL Server Management Studio 2017

recently i have upgraded the my machine to SQL Server 2016 from SQL Server 2012 by in place upgrade and its successfully done.after completing when opening ssms from run command it is opening of SQL Server 2012 management studio.but i dont wa

Running remote services from SQL Server Agent

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Running remote services from SQL Server Agent

We have a nightly refresh job that updates our database.  In order to ensure that there are no queries running when the refresh starts, it's desired to shut down an application service running on a remote server that may be actively using the data

Who's Smarter? Humans or AI Systems?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Who's Smarter? Humans or AI Systems?
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Who's Smarter? Humans or AI Systems?[/B]

BCP error -Unable to open BCP host data-file

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
BCP error -Unable to open BCP host data-file

SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0

Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Unable to open BCP host data-file



I am getitng the above error when i am executinf BCP. The file location is not on the local

Accessing Database from Different Domain

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Accessing Database from Different Domain

I currently work in an environment with 2 separate domains.  On Domain A, we have a program that all users run, with the SQL DB for that program residing on an SQL server also on Domain A.  I have been asked to install this progr

Need help exporting to XML

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Need help exporting to XML
I have a query and for some reason I can't get this to work.

bcp "select [fpono] as '@ID', [fpono], [fstatus] from #postatus for XML PATH('PO'), ROOT('POStatus')"


SQL Server 2014 AlwaysOn failover

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQL Server 2014 AlwaysOn failover
Hi everyone,

I have 3 SQL servers 2014 Enterprise (Windows Servers 2012 R2) in a cluster AlwaysOn on 1 availability group and that are configured as follows:

Availability Group 1

Monitor cloud services for compliance, security from a single view

Network World Data Center
Monitor cloud services for compliance, security from a single view

Moving to the cloud is supposed to reduce the headaches for IT administrators, but often it has the opposite effect of increasing their workload, especially around security and visibility. Not only do they have to make sure on-premises systems adhere to regulatory compliance, but that their cloud services do as well.

Security specialist Qualys addresses these issues of security and visibility with its new app framework, CloudView, which complements existing Qualys services for security, compliance and threat intelligence with real-time monitoring of all enterprise cloud services from a single dashboard.

+ Also on Network World: 18 free cloud storage options +

"Accelerated cloud adoption requires new adaptive security solutions that support fast-moving digital transformation efforts," said Philippe Courtot, Qualys CEO, in a statement. "Our new CloudView and its apps add unparalleled visibility and continuous security of all cloud workloads to provide customers complete cloud security in a single, integrated platform and drastically reduce their spend."

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After sql upgrade from sql 2014 to sql 2016 failover on 2 node windows cluster fails

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
After sql upgrade from sql 2014 to sql 2016 failover on 2 node windows cluster fails
I have a 2 node windows cluster set up.  node 1 (active node) fails to roll over to node 2 (passive node) after I have upgrade sql to 2016 from 2015.  Using Windows Server 2012.  Here is below error message I get from the SQL roll looking a

True random numbers are here — what that means for data centers

Network World Data Center
True random numbers are here — what that means for data centers

For many decades, the term “random numbers” meant “pseudo-random numbers” to anyone who thought much about the issue and understood that computers simply were not equipped to produce anything that was truly random.

Manufacturers did what they could, grabbing some signals from the likes of mouse movement, keyboard activity, system interrupts, and packet collisions just to get a modest sampling of random data to improve the security of their cryptographic processes.

And the bad guys worked at breaking the encryption.

We used longer keys and better algorithms.

And the bad guys kept at it. And life went on.

But something recently changed all that. No, not yesterday or last week. But it was only back in November of last year that something called the Entropy Engine won an Oscar of Innovation award for collaborators Los Alamos National Laboratory and Whitewood Security. This Entropy Engine is capable of delivering as much as 350 Mbps of true random numbers—sufficient to feed an entire data center with enough random data to dramatically improve all cryptographic processes.

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Calculated Query Help

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Calculated Query Help

I am struggling to grasp on how to calculate in SQL where there is a fixed Qty in stock and minus sales order then it should minus from that QTY in stock where it previously taken off the order qty. I have tried mostly everything but I need h


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Hi All,
We have a migration activity coming up where we backup our SQL server databases and restore on a different SAN in a different data center. My question is, does SQL server backup the STATISTICS data as well when we take a full backup ? Thanks i

True random numbers are here -- what this can mean for all of us

Network World Data Center
True random numbers are here -- what this can mean for all of us

For many decades the term “random numbers” meant “pseudo-random numbers” to anyone who thought much about the issue and understood that computers simply were not equipped to produce anything that was truly random. Manufacturers did what they could, grabbing some signals from the likes of mouse movement, keyboard activity, system interrupts, and packet collisions just to get a modest sampling of random data to improve the security of their cryptographic processes. And the bad guys worked at breaking the encryption. We used longer keys and better algorithms. And the bad guys kept at it. And life went on.

But something has only recently changed all that. No, not yesterday or last week. But it was only back in November of last year that something called the Entropy Engine won an Oscar of Innovation award for collaborators Los Alamos National Laboratory and Whitewood Security. This Entropy Engine is capable of delivering as much as 350 Mbps of true random numbers – sufficient to feed an entire data center with enough random data to dramatically improve all cryptographic processes. Tapping into the quantum physics of matter and light to provide a source of entopy, the Entropy Engine produces numbers that:

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Consistency Errors on System Tables

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Consistency Errors on System Tables

We have a database which is connected to a third-party software.
Recently we have installed a new version of this software which needs to make some changes in the database (new tables, new columns, etc)
During this procedure of updati

Image string select in sql server table

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Image string select in sql server table
Hi All,

          my tbale have a 150000 records i this records some of records have images.how can i select only image records from table .
For example my table like this.

high heels
high heel wed

Proper Process for Adding Node to SQL Server 2012 Failover Cluster

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Proper Process for Adding Node to SQL Server 2012 Failover Cluster
We have a SQL Server FCI that some time ago was converted from physical to virtual and, for whatever reason only one node was truly brought over.  When I query sys.dm_os_cluster_nodes I get back two machines, MyMachine01 and MyMachine02.  T


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Hi All,
We have a migration activity coming up where we backup our SQL server databases and restore on a different SAN in a different data center. My question is, does SQL server backup the STATISTICS data as well when we take a full backup ? Thanks i

Basic Trigger Amendment

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Basic Trigger Amendment
Hi folks,

Please can you advise me on how to log an old value in a audit table via a trigger.

I current have a small table (Agreement_Funder) with 3 columns:


I have a trigge

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Simple SQL: Attribute Splitting

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Simple SQL: Attribute Splitting

If the design of a relational database is wrong, no amount of clever DML SQL will make it work well. Dr. Codd’s Information Principle is that you have, inside the entity tables, the columns that model the attributes of that entity. The columns contain scalar values. Tables that model relationships can have attributes, but they must have references to entities in the schema. You split those attributes at your peril. Joe Celko explains the basics.

Dynamic SQL Query Not Fetching Records based on where Not In condition

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Dynamic SQL Query Not Fetching Records based on where Not In condition
Hello All ... Hope You all are Good .. Actually i am facing problem while working on dynamic sql with stored procedure. I am writing a simple stored procedure  using popular "Northwind"' 's employees table. This stored procedure simply fetching the r


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics

Junk meals and speedy ingredients are a large no-no. Limit your consumption of meat, which basically rots interior your gut; rather, choose masses of veggies and end result they will help s

Weird OPENQUERY results sql2016 -> oracle 12c

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Weird OPENQUERY results sql2016 -> oracle 12c
Good Morning!

SQL 2016 using Oracle 12c client to talk to Oracle 12c database via a linked server.  I am running the query below and it is somewhat consistently only returning 200 rows.


Who's Smarter? Humans or AI Systems?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Who's Smarter? Humans or AI Systems?
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Who's Smarter? Humans or AI Systems?[/B]

Are the posted questions getting worse?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Are the posted questions getting worse?
Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days? I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server. It seems like the general feeling of a lot

Find out what numbers are not following designed sequence.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Find out what numbers are not following designed sequence.
Example : If numbers range from 1 to 1957 and should be in sequence (1,2,3,4,5,6......1957), how can I find a number that does not
follow the designed sequence (like 1,2,3,6,4,5,7,8,10,11,9..1957.). Numbers 6 and 9 are not in the right sequence.

SQL Server Agent Jobs Statistics

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQL Server Agent Jobs Statistics
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]SQL Server Agent Jobs Statistics[/B]

Consolidate Overlapping Datetimes

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Consolidate Overlapping Datetimes

Scenario: An operator can chat with multiple users throughout a day and I need to calculate how long they actually spent within the chat tool.

Problem: Each chat interaction is recorded in a table with a start datetime and end datetime. The op

Looking for sp_whoisactive?

SQLblog.com - The SQL Server blog spot on the web
Looking for sp_whoisactive?
A while ago I quietly announced the new home for sp_whoisactive, whoisactive.com . Today I finished migrating all related content -- including the documentation consisting of a series of 28 articles posted on this blog a while back. So if you're looking for sp_whoisactive downloads or information on the proc, head over to the new site. And as always, keep the feedback coming! Enjoy!...(read more)

conbine outout

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
conbine outout

this is my output :

ID ,             DATE ,                      reason ,      final,     &nbs

"Network-related or Instance specific error" when connecting through SSMS

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
"Network-related or Instance specific error" when connecting through SSMS
This is the 1st time I came across this issue where I am unable to access the instance from SSMS which is installed on my local machine. However, I am able to login when I log into the server. TCP is enabled, firewall rule has been setup, Allow remote con

need list of logins at the server level

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
need list of logins at the server level
My issue is we removed several users at the server level and left them at the database level. I'm trying to identify which were removed. Having a hard time getting the list of logins that are at the server level only.

Dynamic SQL Query Not Fetching Records based on where Not In condition

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Dynamic SQL Query Not Fetching Records based on where Not In condition
Hello All ... Hope You all are Good .. Actually i am facing problem while working on dynamic sql with stored procedure. I am writing a simple stored procedure  using popular "Northwind"' 's employees table. This stored procedure simply fetching the r

Potential presentation idea: So you want to be a SQL Saturday speaker?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Potential presentation idea: So you want to be a SQL Saturday speaker?
This idea is based on a 'blog article of the same name that I wrote a while back.

I was just thinking about how

Expensive View help

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Expensive View help
Hi Guys

I have the below query which is part of a view. This query takes > 5 minutes to complete.


Are the posted questions getting worse?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Are the posted questions getting worse?
Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days? I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server. It seems like the general feeling of a lot

need list of logins at the server level

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
need list of logins at the server level
My issue is we removed several users at the server level and left them at the database level. I'm trying to identify which were removed. Having a hard time getting the list of logins that are at the server level only.

Comic for 2017.07.26

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2017.07.26
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Getting error with Bulk Insert when data is encoded with double qoute

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Getting error with Bulk Insert when data is encoded with double qoute
My table is getting loaded with 0 rows .i am using the below format file to load.
Table DDL

Dynamic SQL Query Not Fetching Records based on where Not In condition

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Dynamic SQL Query Not Fetching Records based on where Not In condition
Hello All ... Hope You all are Good .. Actually i am facing problem while working on dynamic sql with stored procedure. I am writing a simple stored procedure  using popular "Northwind"' 's employees table. This stored procedure simply fetching the r

SSIS Run As profile to grab Azure data!

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SSIS Run As profile to grab Azure data!
Hi all

I'm having issues setting up a proxy to grab data from an Azure database.
The proxy will only accept a domain account and obviously that isn't going to connect to the Azure database.

Do I need to use an Azure specific connecto

Consistency Errors on System Tables

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Consistency Errors on System Tables

We have a database which is connected to a third-party software.
Recently we have installed a new version of this software which needs to make some changes in the database (new tables, new columns, etc)
During this procedure of updati

Migrate SSRS data sources from one server to another

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Migrate SSRS data sources from one server to another
Hi guys

I need to migrate SSRS reports and data sources to a new server (not the SSRS database itself). Looks like there are a ton of ways to migrate the reports but data sources? not so much... can anyone point me in the direction of a some inst

Cursor Performance

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Cursor Performance
OK so we have an application that has gone through an upgrade which also saw the database move from a vmware virtual server with SQL 2008 R2 SP3 to

Recovery Pending Status

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Recovery Pending Status

Good Morning Experts,

One of our databases went into "Recovery Pending" Status. Could you please share the steps to fix it.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Getting Started with Azure SQL Data Warehouse - Part 6

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Getting Started with Azure SQL Data Warehouse - Part 6

Azure SQL Data Warehouse is Microsoft’s new enterprise-class, elastic petabyte-scale, data warehouse service that can scale according to organizational demands in just few minutes. In this installment, Arshad Ali covers the different ways to load data into SQL Data Warehouse.

sqlmonitor How to fix SQL Server disk I/O bottlenecks (without a hammer)
In this new article, Simple-Talk editor Tony Davis explains step-by-step how to find and fix the root causes of disk I/O bottlenecks, including gathering data, avoiding knee-jerk fixes, and how monitoring tools can help. Read now.

Labeling a graph

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Labeling a graph
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Labeling a graph[/B]


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Continuously keep your skin clean Although you would not so much know without a doubt if your skin is perfect or not, it is dependably a smart thought to rehearse a tad bit of cleanliness just so you

Recovery Pending Status

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Recovery Pending Status

Good Morning Experts,

One of our databases went into "Recovery Pending" Status. Could you please share the steps to fix it.

SQL Crossword #1

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQL Crossword #1
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]SQL Crossword #1[/B]

Encryption best practice for a Staging to Data store solution.

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Encryption best practice for a Staging to Data store solution.
Hi Folks,

I am after some advice. I am working on a solution where I need to BCP data out of a Sybase ASE data source, BCP into a SQL Server 2016 staging database and finally into an operational data store (there will be further warehousing

Some linked server connections stop working

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Some linked server connections stop working
I have a 2008R2 Standard instance (2008R2 SP1 10.50.2500) which has developed strange problems with linked server connections. All of these linked server connections were working normally at one point, and some of them still are, but others will hang

Recovery Pending Status

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Recovery Pending Status

Good Morning Experts,

One of our databases went into "Recovery Pending" Status. Could you please share the steps to fix it.

After sql upgrade from sql 2014 to sql 2016 failover on 2 node windows cluster fails

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
After sql upgrade from sql 2014 to sql 2016 failover on 2 node windows cluster fails
I have a 2 node windows cluster set up.  node 1 (active node) fails to roll over to node 2 (passive node) after I have upgrade sql to 2016 from 2015.  Using Windows Server 2012.  Here is below error message I get from the SQL roll looking a

Are the posted questions getting worse?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Are the posted questions getting worse?
Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days? I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server. It seems like the general feeling of a lot

List of all dtsx files used in [Integration Services Catalog] - I need help with the SELECT statement

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
List of all dtsx files used in [Integration Services Catalog] - I need help with the SELECT statement
How may I write a SELECT statement that will list each SSIS Package and the dtsx files that go with it ?
I need some direction please ...

Need Code Help - Query Entire Table's Data

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Need Code Help - Query Entire Table's Data
I'm currently working on a project in Visual Studio 2015 along with SQL server 2014, with the goal of connecting to a web interface and pulling data from that interface to be displayed in a central location. 

I have successfully connected to

Download ssdt in English if your machine isn't

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Download ssdt in English if your machine isn't
Dear all,
That is an annoying problem I have with ssdt and (just today) ssms. Even though I change the ms download site from de-de to en-us, I only get the German version to download.

 Can someone give me a hint? I'd so much love to not

Lookin for Reference for EDI Using SSIS and X12 Format Files

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Lookin for Reference for EDI Using SSIS and X12 Format Files
Let me start by saying that I'm not looking for assistance in solving a work problem. I'm looking to improve my knowledge of how to do thing using SSIS, and I'm hoping to turn this into a PASS Chapter presentation, and possibly into an article also. I