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Wednesday, February 28, 2018
How to Move a TDE Encryption Key to Another SQL Server Instance
If you have a database backup of a Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) enabled database, the database backup will contain encrypted data. Because the database backup contains encrypted data you can’t just restore it to any instance. You can only restore the database backup to an instance that contains the same certificate used to originally encrypt the database.
DTSX Pkg From Stored Procedure (completely frustrated)
Help please!! I am bruised and bloodied from mashing my head, for two weeks now, against stuff I do not know.
Ultimately I am trying to get an Excel (.xls) directly into a SQL Server (2016) table.
Here is what I have don
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Are the posted questions getting worse?
How to reformat a database in one operation
Inherited a database from another team? Changed your team policy on the way that you format SQL? What’s to stop you formatting the code of an entire database nicely, when you’re developing it? It can be done, but the process can take longer than you expect. This article will demonstrate a simple 3-step approach to reformatting a whole database to your standard, in a single operation, using SQL Compare and SQL Prompt.
Monday, February 26, 2018
Right-sizing for a cloud service
When it’s time to purchase new resources for one or more applications, the non-scientific approach of guesstimating the requirements can be expensive, whether for on-premises capital expenditures or cloud-based services.
I have created one single trigger to capture information modified by the insert/update/delete commands.
is there any performance difference if we create 3 separate triggers(like after insert ,after update ,after delete) ?
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Connect MS SQL Server with Progress 4gl OpenEdge database
I want to create a connection to Linked Server with Progress 4gl database. MS SQL Server is on local machine and Progress Database is hosted on Cloud (IS Corp). Can you tell me how to connect with Progress Database by using MS SQL S
Today's Random Word!
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Is there a row locking similar to Oracle's row locking in SQL SERVER 2016
Is there a row locking similar to Oracle's row locking in SQL SERVER 2016?
Thank you very much
Friday, February 23, 2018
When Does Index Size Change Index Choice?
Erik purposely fragments indexes trying to slow down queries.
Delete Change Tracking table data sys.syscommittab
Thursday, February 22, 2018
SQL Server Table Corruption Error
Yesterday I installed SQL Server2012. Tried to open .mdf extension file which was e-mailed to me.
But the file showing a warning message "SQL Server Table Corruption Error".
Appreciate any help here!
Reporting Service don´t export to excel
SQL Server Machine Learning Services – Part 4: Finding Data Anomalies with Python
Python is widely used to analyze data. One such use is to find anomalies or outliers. In this article, Robert Sheldon demonstrates how to create a support vector machine (SVM) to score test data so that outliers can be viewed on a scatter plot.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Help/Advise - Setting up a Dev Platform, on the Prod Platform, same one Server, Some Shared Instances
A Prod and Dev, Dev and Prod box on the same one server and same instances setup, not optimal, not my design. However it is my world, and has been for 1.5 years, and an existing system for 3 years. We have lived with this
How to monitor the impact of patching on SQL Server performance
In this article, Redgate use the Spectre/Meltdown bugs as means to demonstrate how you can use a tool like SQL Monitor to assess the impact of patching on your SQL Server estate.
| How to fix SQL Server disk I/O bottlenecks (without a hammer) In this new article, Simple-Talk editor Tony Davis explains step-by-step how to find and fix the root causes of disk I/O bottlenecks, including gathering data, avoiding knee-jerk fixes, and how monitoring tools can help. Read now. |
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Asymmetric Processor Cores
SSRS Reportserver parallel testing
Baselining a ReadyRoll project from an existing database
When creating a new ReadyRoll project, the schema of your production environment can also be imported as a baseline. Further work can be built on top of the baseline in a sandbox development environment and, when you’re happy with the changes, the project can be deployed to production.
| How to fix SQL Server disk I/O bottlenecks (without a hammer) In this new article, Simple-Talk editor Tony Davis explains step-by-step how to find and fix the root causes of disk I/O bottlenecks, including gathering data, avoiding knee-jerk fixes, and how monitoring tools can help. Read now. |
Monday, February 19, 2018
Restore database with Attach
I get from client base in .mdf and .ldf
I try to restore this base in my SQL but I have error...
Someone can help me, how can I correct restore this base?
My knowledge SQL is small and I need help.
Msg 18
Performance Considerations :: Lookup vs Join
I have a requirement as below. May I seek your views choosing between Lookup vs Join options?
1) I have 2 business tables to JOIN every day, each of which has volumes in the range of 1+ million rows
2) End result is to popul
Bringing DevOps to the database. Part 2: Continuous delivery
Many application developers already use continuous integration to automatically test their code, and release management tools to automate application deployment. Database developers can join them.
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Convert a query to a View
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Need to get consecutive duplicate rows
I know I have to use row over to look for consecutive, and group by certain columns that make the dupe
Friday, February 16, 2018
Count with Merge
Mobile Report Publisher – Dashboards Everywhere
The new feature, Mobile Reports, was added to SSRS in 2016. It provides the ability to create attractive and useful dashboards that can run on devices and most browsers. Robert Cain shows you how to get started building Mobile Reports with the Mobile Report Publisher.
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Free eBook: SQL Server Execution Plans, Second Edition
Every day, out in the various online forums devoted to SQL Server, and on Twitter, the same types of questions come up repeatedly: Why is this query running slowly? Why is SQL Server ignoring my index? Why does this query run quickly sometimes and slowly at others? My response is the same in each case: have you looked at the execution plan?
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Genreal Query Question
I've spent more time than I'd like to admit searching this topic, but I really feel like I'm not approaching this right and I have the nagging feeling I can't see the forrest for the trees. Hopfully one of you guys can steer me stra
SSIS Package with a Derived Column
I created this article to demonstrate the use of derived columns inside a ForEachLoop Container for a client requirement for some auxiliary marketing reports. I found the Data Conversion tool useful to escape the problem of mismatched data types, which is an issue with versions of Microsoft SSIS.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Performance improvement following a disable indexes, shrink, enable indexes - but why?
The database in question has minimal fragmentation, but performance is slow. We go through the following process:Disable all non clustered indexes
Realistic, simulated data for testing, development and prototypes
This article proposes a scheme for using Redgate SQL Data Generator (SDG) as a ‘data generation and translation’ tool. We generate the data using a free copy of SQL Server Express, and then use standard bulk copy mechanisms to translate it to various formats, then distribute it out to the different data technologies and platforms that require a copy of the data. The tool becomes a mechanism to support ‘polyglot persistence’.
| How to fix SQL Server disk I/O bottlenecks (without a hammer) In this new article, Simple-Talk editor Tony Davis explains step-by-step how to find and fix the root causes of disk I/O bottlenecks, including gathering data, avoiding knee-jerk fixes, and how monitoring tools can help. Read now. |
Context_info() data
Monday, February 12, 2018
Bringing DevOps to the database. Part 1: Version control
Continuous delivery, continuous integration, automated release management – the phrases alone are enough to make the talk about DevOps for the database sound more complicated than it actually is - this post explains that the key is to start small.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Save off and put back stats in production
I know in Oracle it is not uncommon to export statistics before updating stats so you can put st
Saturday, February 10, 2018
A Simple Introduction to Dynamic SQL
Developing product recommendations on WideWorldImporters using SQL Graph
SQL Server has always provided tools to manage hierarchies and relationships, facilitating query execution on hierarchical data, but sometimes relationships can become complex. Think about many-to-many relationships, relational databases don't have a native solution for many-to-many associations. A common approach to realize many-to-many associations is to introduce a table that holds such relationships.
SQL Server 2017, thanks to the Graph Database, can express certain kinds of queries more easily than a relational database by transforming complex relationships into graphs.
The graphs theory is not new in the computer world, the first commercial proposals are dating in the year of 2000 by Neo4J, OrientDB, Oracle Spatial, Graph, etc. Recently, thanks to some of the world's largest internet companies and to the new data processing and analysis requirements, this new class of Object-Oriented Database Management Systems (ODBMS) is receiving a strong impulse.
Today we need to navigate through segments of data quickly and describe how each piece of data is connected to each other by an interconnected logic. A Graph Database is a collection of Nodes and Edges where each node represents an entity and each edge represents a relationship between two nodes with a direction (for example from Node A to Node B).
A few days ago, Microsoft has merged the pull request I have done on the repository Microsoft/sql-server-samples on GitHub. "This repository contains code samples that demonstrate how to use Microsoft's SQL products including SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Each sample includes a README file that explains how to run and use the sample".
My sample explains what Graph Database is and which scenarios it solves easily, they are available here.
As you can see, the publishment consists of three demos. In the first one, I shown how to create graph objects such as Nodes and Edges. The second demo allows you to do a first look to the T-SQL MATCH clause used to perform some query on Nodes and Edges created in the first demo. In the last demo I shown how to build a recommendation system for sales offers that is able to determine the recommended products based on the product a customer is purchasing.
Have you heard about the Graph Database and want to know more? These examples are a good place to start!
Enjoy the SQL Graph!
Slow Query when perform INNER JOIN Between a very large partioned table and a non partitioned table
I need to perform an Inner Join between that partitioned table and a - non partitioned table - (about 3 millions rows)
Friday, February 9, 2018
Adaptive Query Processing – Batch Mode Memory Grant Feedback
Explore Batch Mode Memory Grant Feedback that was introduced in SQL Server 2017
Calendar table
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Rethink Server Sizing II
Split 60 character string every third character with pipes
I'm needing to split a 60 character string every third character with spaces/pipes and filter out any set that is '000'. For example, this:
would become this
Free eBook: Fundamentals of SQL Server 2012 Replication
Fundamentals of SQL Server 2012 Replication provides a hands-on introduction to SQL Server replication. The book introduces you to the technologies that make up replication, and then walks you through setting up different replication scenarios. When you've finished reading, you should be able to implement your own multi-server replication setup while following the principle of least privilege.
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
The new Data Modeling for Power BI course
I recently published a new blog post on SQLBI.
You can read it at this link: https://www.sqlbi.com/blog/marco/2018/02/06/the-new-data-modeling-for-power-bi-course/
Network Issue or THREADPOOL waits?
Tara Kizer talks identifying THREADPOOL waits and what you can do about them.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
The top 7 business benefits of establishing DevOps in your organization
Any change within an organization requires an investment of time, expertise and money. Therefore, it is natural that leaders should assess the potential of DevOps in terms of what it will deliver: Managers should ask the question: What is to be gained by changing our current way of doing things?
Sequential 'Alter Table' queries
Monday, February 5, 2018
Help with passing FLEE expression into SSIS user variable
I have a SSIS component that does SFTP tasks. One such task is to fetch a list of remote files. The tasks allows me to use a FLEE expression string as a file filter in the fetch. When I developed the package in Visual Studio I have a strin
Adaptive Query Processing – Batch Mode Adaptive Join
Let's explore how SQL Server 2017 automatically adapts between nested loop and hash join operators
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Assign incrementing letters to same value
i have the following table
[quote]OrderID Point
Order1 1
Saturday, February 3, 2018
Format Query Results as JSON with FOR JSON
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Friday, February 2, 2018
SQL Server 3rd party Backup tool
we have a DB of 20 TB in 2 files, got lot of unused space and need some shrink, but thats a tedios and long process, plus we do not have full backups due to the size, relying on storage snap backups for now,
Any one know how we can get a
Stairway to Database Design Level 7: Triggers
In levels one to four, we built the tables, base and virtual, of a schema. Levels five and six dealt with stored procedures. This level deals with a feature you need to avoid as much as possible; this is article is on Triggers.
Thursday, February 1, 2018
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How to Change the Default Backup Directory
When you install a SQL Server instance you have the opportunity to identify the default location for your instance database backups. Overtime you might decide you want to change the default location for database backups. This tip shows you two different ways to change the default location for your database backups.