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Thursday, May 31, 2018

AMD’s Epyc server encryption is the latest security system to fall

Network World Data Center
AMD’s Epyc server encryption is the latest security system to fall
AMD’s Epyc server encryption is the latest security system to fall

It’s a good thing AMD had the sense not to rub Intel’s nose in the Meltdown/Spectre vulnerability, because it would be getting it right back for this one: Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Safety in Germany have published a paper detailing how to compromise a virtual machine encrypted by AMD's Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV).

The news is a bit of a downer for AMD, since it just added Cisco to its list of customers for the Epyc processor. Cisco announced today plans to use Epyc in its density-optimized Cisco UCS C4200 Series Rack Server Chassis and the Cisco UCS C125 M5 Rack Server Node.

To read this article in full, please click here

GUIDs as clustered index

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
GUIDs as clustered index
Hi All,

Looking for some suggestions.

Currently, In our system we have GUIDs are primary keys and as the database is keep growing, seeing serious index fragmentation issues. Thats the why initial development happened using .net Entity

Solving the Target Principal Name is Incorrect

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Solving the Target Principal Name is Incorrect

One small point to note when we receive the below error while connecting SQL server: The target principal name is incorrect. Cannot generate sspi context

Page considered Suspect in SQL Server 2017

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Page considered Suspect in SQL Server 2017
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Page considered Suspect in SQL Server 2017[/B]

Comic for 2018.05.30

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.30
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Nvidia aims to unify AI, HPC computing in HGX-2 server platform

Network World Data Center
Nvidia aims to unify AI, HPC computing in HGX-2 server platform
Nvidia aims to unify AI, HPC computing in HGX-2 server platform

Nvidia is refining its pitch for data-center performance and efficiency with a new server platform, the HGX-2, designed to harness the power of 16 Tesla V100 Tensor Core GPUs to satisfy requirements for both AI and high-performance computing (HPC) workloads.

Data-center server makers Lenovo, Supermicro, Wiwynn and QCT said they would ship HGX-2 systems by the end of the year. Some of the biggest customers for HGX-2 systems are likely to be hyperscale providers, so it's no surprise that Foxconn, Inventec, Quanta and Wistron are also expected to manufacture servers that use the new platform for cloud data centers.  

The HGX-2 is built using two GPU baseboards that link the Tesla GPUs via NVSwitch interconnect fabric. The HGX-2 baseboards handle 8 processors each, for a total of 16 GPUs. The HGX-1, announced a year ago, handled only 8 GPUs.

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Using SQL Server Dynamic Online Catalog to Solve Problems: Stairway to Exploring Database Metadata Level 2

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Using SQL Server Dynamic Online Catalog to Solve Problems: Stairway to Exploring Database Metadata Level 2

In this second level of the Stairway, Phil looks at where we go to find information about objects, using triggers as the example.

Read-only schema allows write

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Read-only schema allows write
Once again, I thought I understood permissions, and once again, turns out I don't know jack.

I have a view on a table. The table has no special permissions. The view is in a schema, named RO, which I thought 

Comic for 2018.05.29

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.29
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


SQLServerCentral.com Articles

An introduction to the TRY_CONVERT function, introduced in SQL Server 2012.

KB4057113 Installation Issue - sqlsupport.msi

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
KB4057113 Installation Issue - sqlsupport.msi
Ok, I'm trying to install this security patch.  When I first started trying, it kept saying I can't files... I had to copy a ton of files to c:\windows\installer to even get the install wizard to pop up.  I thought I had fixed it and it started

Monday, May 28, 2018


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics

Comic for 2018.05.28

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.28
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Configuring R Services in SQL Server 2016

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Configuring R Services in SQL Server 2016

R Services provides in-database analytics in SQL Server 2016. In this article we step through configuring R Services and get you started with in-database analytics.

sqlmonitor How to fix SQL Server disk I/O bottlenecks (without a hammer)
In this new article, Simple-Talk editor Tony Davis explains step-by-step how to find and fix the root causes of disk I/O bottlenecks, including gathering data, avoiding knee-jerk fixes, and how monitoring tools can help. Read now.

Comic for 2018.05.27

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.27
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

How to Select SP by Using SQL Query

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
How to Select SP by Using SQL Query
Hi Team,

How to select sp without using modify click I need the SQL query please help me

Sunday, May 27, 2018


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics


I am using SQL Openrowset to read the file and load the data into a table. The file contains about 150 million records worth data. When I try to load the data the transaction log bloats because of one single

Comic for 2018.05.26

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Comic for 2018.05.26
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Saturday, May 26, 2018

sql graph query output

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
sql graph query output

I am looking for a output as stated below :

Required output :

Roshan > Mitran > Romba > Gopal
Roshan > Gopal > Sada > Mrithu > Kumar > Vadi > Gokul
Roshan > Gopal > Sada > M

Friday, May 25, 2018


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
都灵理工大学毕 业证/POLITO毕 业证【Q|微85776-7150】专业为留学生办理毕 业证、成绩单、结业证、学位证、学历、使馆认证/学历学位认证、录取通知书、Offer、在读证明、网上存档永久可查!

1.在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业,拿不到官方毕 业证; 

Comic for 2018.05.25

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.25
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

AI boosts data-center availability, efficiency

Network World Data Center
AI boosts data-center availability, efficiency
AI boosts data-center availability, efficiency

Artificial intelligence is set to play a bigger role in data-center operations as enterprises begin to adopt machine-learning technologies that have been tried and tested by larger data-center operators and colocation providers.

Today’s hybrid computing environments often span on-premise data centers, cloud and collocation sites, and edge computing deployments. And enterprises are finding that a traditional approach to managing data centers isn’t optimal. By using artificial intelligence, as played out through machine learning, there’s enormous potential to streamline the management of complex computing facilities.

Check out our review of VMware’s vSAN 6.6 and see IDC’s top 10 data center predictions. Get regularly scheduled insights by signing up for Network World newsletters.

AI in the data center, for now, revolves around using machine learning to monitor and automate the management of facility components such as power and power-distribution elements, cooling infrastructure, rack systems and physical security.

To read this article in full, please click here

Thursday, May 24, 2018

SQL Server System Audit Report

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
SQL Server System Audit Report

Ensuring that your SQL Server is secure is the job of every Database Administrator. In this article I will provide a script to help perform easier audits of your system.

sqlmonitor How to fix SQL Server disk I/O bottlenecks (without a hammer)
In this new article, Simple-Talk editor Tony Davis explains step-by-step how to find and fix the root causes of disk I/O bottlenecks, including gathering data, avoiding knee-jerk fixes, and how monitoring tools can help. Read now.


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics


AI boosts data center availability, efficiency

Network World Data Center
AI boosts data center availability, efficiency
AI boosts data center availability, efficiency

Artificial intelligence is set to play a bigger role in data-center operations as enterprises begin to adopt machine-learning technologies that have been tried and tested by larger data-center operators and colocation providers.

Today’s hybrid computing environments often span on-premise data centers, cloud and collocation sites, and edge computing deployments. And enterprises are finding that a traditional approach to managing data centers isn’t optimal. By using artificial intelligence, as played out through machine learning, there’s enormous potential to streamline the management of complex computing facilities.

Check out our review of VMware’s vSAN 6.6 and see IDC’s top 10 data center predictions. Get regularly scheduled insights by signing up for Network World newsletters.

AI in the data center, for now, revolves around using machine learning to monitor and automate the management of facility components such as power and power-distribution elements, cooling infrastructure, rack systems and physical security.

To read this article in full, please click here

Extended event help

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Extended event help
Hi Experts,

I want to capture all the spid info and their associated queries,lock info till the point where deadlock scenario has occured.
From system health check session xevent , I can see only the sql stmts involved in the deadlock but n

Comic for 2018.05.23

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.23
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Using FORMAT() for Dates

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Using FORMAT() for Dates

Learn how the FORMAT() function works for dates.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Who’s developing quantum computers?

Network World Data Center
Who’s developing quantum computers?
Who’s developing quantum computers?

There are two main camps in the quantum computing development, says Ashish Nadkarni, Program Vice President of Computing Platforms, Worldwide Infrastructure at IDC. In the first camp are entrenched players from the world of classical computing. And in the second are quantum computing startups.

“It’s a highly fragmented landscape,” Nadkarni says. “Each company has its own approach to building a universal quantum computer and delivering it as a service.”

[ Now see What is quantum computing [and why enterprises should care.] Classic-computing vendors pioneer quantum computing

Along with IBM, other classical computing companies staking a claim in the emerging field of quantum computing include:

To read this article in full, please click here

Comic for 2018.05.22

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.22
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Checking CHECKDB

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Checking CHECKDB
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Checking CHECKDB[/B]

Stairway to Columnstore Indexes Level 6: Updating and Deleting Data in a Columnstore Index

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Stairway to Columnstore Indexes Level 6: Updating and Deleting Data in a Columnstore Index

This level looks in detail at what happens when we update or delete data from a clustered columnstore index, the impact it has on concurrent data access, and how without careful maintenance the efficiency of columnstore indexes can degrade over time.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

【购买各国毕业证】办理、代办英国文凭Q/微501146313办阿斯顿大学毕业证书办 Aston毕业证成绩单学历认证Aston University

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
【购买各国毕业证】办理、代办英国文凭Q/微501146313办阿斯顿大学毕业证书办 Aston毕业证成绩单学历认证Aston University
【学历认证顾问QQ微信501146313】英国文凭,美国文凭,加拿大毕业证,澳洲成绩单,新西兰学历,新加坡,德国,法国,荷兰,意大利,奥地利,日本,韩国本公司专业为留学生解决以下问题:一、办理假毕业证在国内能用吗挂科拿不到毕业证怎么办 毕业证丢了怎么办没有正常毕业怎么办理毕业证没毕业可以办学历认证吗您是否因为中途辍学、挂科而没有正常毕业您是否因为递交材料不齐而被拒之门外您是否因没正常毕业而导致回国得不到教育部认证在校挂科了不想读了、成绩不理想怎么办找工作没有文凭怎么办办理本科/研究生文凭有本科却要求硕士又

Monday, May 21, 2018

Comic for 2018.05.21

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.21
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Scheduling a PowerShell Script Using SQL Server Agent

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Scheduling a PowerShell Script Using SQL Server Agent

This article will give you insight to understand how you can schedule a powershell script you have written using SQL Server Agent.


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
杜塞尔多夫大学毕业证/德国毕业证,Q/微:857767150,专 业 为 留 学 生办 理毕 业 证、成 绩 单、使 馆 留 学 回 国 人 员 证 明、教 育 部 学 历 学 位 认 证,网 上 存 档 永 久 可 查!
留 学 回 国 服 务 中 心:实 体 公 司,注 册 经 营,行 业 标 杆,精 益 求 精!
为 留 学 肄 业 生 提 供 以 下 服 务:
一、真 实 教 育 部 认 证,教 育 部 存 档,中 国 教 育 部 留 学 服 务 中 心 认 证(即教

SQL Server on Linux, does it have Microsoft's full attention?

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
SQL Server on Linux, does it have Microsoft's full attention?

SQL Server on Linux doesn't support Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Why weren't Microsoft ready for the next LTS release?

Database Password

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Database Password

I use Control M for batch activity. When installing Control M you specify db names and passwords. However, when trying to run a reporting tool specifying the db owner and password it says password not recognised even though I know it is correc

Comic for 2018.05.20

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.20
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Today's Random Word!

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Today's Random Word!
HI When you woke up today, or logged-onto Opera Forums, you may have had a dream, a thought, a scene or a word running through your mind... Jump on that word... And. Post it here by it's thumbs! :hat: Quickly! Before it becomes a number!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Comic for 2018.05.19

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.19
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Friday, May 18, 2018

Comic for 2018.05.18

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.18
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

SQL Cluster one instance fails when failed over

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQL Cluster one instance fails when failed over
I built two windows 2012 R2 VM (VMWARE) Cluster servers with SQL 2014 Enterprise 
Installed instance One have databases loaded and when I fail over to Node 2 all is good users do not even feel a bleep.
Installed instance two no databases

Harnessing SQL Server Metadata- Disabling and Rebuilding Indexes

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Harnessing SQL Server Metadata- Disabling and Rebuilding Indexes

When doing bulk data changes it may be beneficial to disable indexes prior to starting the operation. Fortunately, SQL's rich metadata makes this very easy to automate in a robust fashion.

Transfer SQL Server Objects: SQL 2005 -> 2017: "Cannot read property IsColumnSet."

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Transfer SQL Server Objects: SQL 2005 -> 2017: "Cannot read property IsColumnSet."
Hi All

I have a Transfer SQL Server Objects task to copy tables from SQL 2005 to SQL 2016 with an SSIS target version of SQL 2016 and it works perfectly fine.
I have targeted this to SQL 2017 and I get the following error:

"Cannot re

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Survey: Mainstream adoption of SDN, SD-WAN finally arrives

Network World Data Center
Survey: Mainstream adoption of SDN, SD-WAN finally arrives
Survey: Mainstream adoption of SDN, SD-WAN finally arrives

In 2018, for the first time cloud and software-defined data-center concerns have become the primary focus of enterprise network teams, bumping server virtualization from the top spot, according to an Enterprise management Associates (EMA) report based on a survey of 251 North American and European enterprise network managers

This is the first shift in their priorities for in more than a decade. Since 2008, EMA has been asking network managers to identify the broad IT initiatives that drive their priorities. Server virtualization has dominated their responses year after year. Cloud and software-defined data center (SDDC) architectures have always been secondary or tertiary drivers.

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Using sp_executesql with nvarchar parameters: incorrect syntax near '='

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Using sp_executesql with nvarchar parameters: incorrect syntax near '='
I've been trying to get this right for well over an hour and I'm now mentally drained.

I have a procedure that takes various parameters, but it falls over on the ELSE clause where I have "SET &nb

Using SQL Server as a Source with for an Excel Application

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Using SQL Server as a Source with for an Excel Application

I am presenting an MS Excel VBA project which automates the display of SQL Server data tables.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Working with dates comparing two tables query please help

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Working with dates comparing two tables query please help
Hello good Morning,

[code language="sql"]


What is the Machine Learning Server? Level 2 of the Stairway to ML Services

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
What is the Machine Learning Server? Level 2 of the Stairway to ML Services

In Level 2, we look at the architecture and structure of the Machine Learning Services server process.

Comic for 2018.05.16

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.16
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

What Qualcomm’s rumored exit from data centers means

Network World Data Center
What Qualcomm’s rumored exit from data centers means
What Qualcomm’s rumored exit from data centers means

The tech industry got a jolt last week worse than the 3.5 magnitude quake that hit Oakland, California, on Monday. A report by Bloomberg, citing the usual anonymous sources, said that after a whole lot of R&D and hype, Qualcomm was looking to shut down or sell its Centriq line of ARM-based data center processors.

Qualcomm launched the 48-core Centriq 2400 last November. At the time, potential customers, such as Microsoft, Alibaba and HPE, took to the stage to voice their support and interest.

To read this article in full, please click here

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

spid10s Disallowing page allocations for database .. due to insufficient memory in the resource pool

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
spid10s Disallowing page allocations for database .. due to insufficient memory in the resource pool
I wondered:
- what is spids20s
- I used the link suggested but I don't seem to have access (to own notebook! ) to follow the steps recommended.

Any comments or suggestions much appreciated !
Maybe I need a host machine with more memor

Will Huawei become a pawn in a high-stakes U.S.-China technology war?

Network World Data Center
Will Huawei become a pawn in a high-stakes U.S.-China technology war?
Will Huawei become a pawn in a high-stakes U.S.-China technology war?

The Justice Department investigation into Huawei recalls a similar probe into whether Shenzhen rival ZTE broke U.S. sanctions by exporting devices containing American components to Iran. ZTE was found guilty last year not only of breaking the sanctions, which resulted in an $892 million fine, but of breaking the settlement deal’s terms by failing to punish those involved.

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(Insider Story)

Comic for 2018.05.15

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.15
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Covering Indexes: Not Just for SELECT but also for UPDATE statements

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Covering Indexes: Not Just for SELECT but also for UPDATE statements

Covering indexes help UPDATE performance also

SMO Scripting

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SMO Scripting
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]SMO Scripting[/B]

Monday, May 14, 2018

Auto assign Column Data Types for Flat file Source Import

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Auto assign Column Data Types for Flat file Source Import

A tip to auto detect data types for flat file sources in SSIS. Never manually enter them ever again!

Deprecation and compatibility level

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Deprecation and compatibility level
 I analyzing possibility of database migration from SQL 2012 to 2017 , 
using CREATE EVENT SESSION [Audit_My_Apps_Deprecated] ON SERVER
ADD EVENT sqlserver.deprecation_announcement

Comic for 2018.05.13

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.13
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Question on SQL licencing in VMware

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Question on SQL licencing in VMware
Hi not sure if this is the right forum
Running 65 SQL machines all workload pretty similar no OLTP

Running across 5.5 6.5 vSphere at present

All of them will moved to vSphere 6.5 in next month or so

We have SQL 2002, 2

Saturday, May 12, 2018

will this SQL trigger recursive

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
will this SQL trigger recursive
I am new on writing and testing trigger.  I am trying to write a trigger to monitor ta colume wih the table.  Wether it is insert or update, if that column has a period there, the trigger will remove the period on that column.  will this tr

Comic for 2018.05.12

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.12
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Running SSIS from SQL Agent job getting error "Format of the initialization string does not conform to the OLE DB specification"

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Running SSIS from SQL Agent job getting error "Format of the initialization string does not conform to the OLE DB specification"
I am getting the following error when running an SSIS package from the SQL Agent job.

"Format of the initialization string does not conform to the OLE DB specification"
This package is writin

Friday, May 11, 2018

10 competitors Cisco just can't kill off

Network World Data Center
10 competitors Cisco just can't kill off
10 competitors Cisco just can't kill off
10 competitors Cisco just can't kill offNetwork World / Cisco Survivors [Slide-00]

Image by IDG / jesadaphorn, Getty Images

Creating a short list of key Cisco competitors is no easy task as the company now competes in multiple markets.  In this case we tried to pick companies that have been around awhile or firms that have developed key technologies that directly impacted the networking giant. Cisco is now pushing heavily into software and security, a move that will open it up to myriad new competitors as well. Take a look.

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Interviewing Avatars

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Interviewing Avatars
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Interviewing Avatars[/B]

Strange Filtered Index Problem

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Strange Filtered Index Problem

What I thought was a strange filtered index problem but turned out to be a DB settings problem

Comic for 2018.05.11

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.11
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Solar power costs half what coal costs

Network World Data Center
Solar power costs half what coal costs
Solar power costs half what coal costs

New solar installs are contributing the same amount of electricity as building one new coal-fueled power station annually in Australia, according to the head of the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).

“We are essentially seeing the [equivalent] of a new power plant being built every season,” AEMO chief Audrey Zibelman told the Sydney Morning Herald.

One reason rooftop adoption in Australia is exploding, the paper wrote, is because of government subsidies. However, there’s another financial driver of alternative power globally, which is the full-lifecycle cost of building and operating — it’s now lower.

To read this article in full, please click here

SSIS Data Conversion Failed for Flat file to SQL table ?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SSIS Data Conversion Failed for Flat file to SQL table ?
I  have around 40 flat files to move to my sql  database  
My destination table look like this 

One Million Tables

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
One Million Tables

A quick experiment to create one million tables in a database.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Comic for 2018.05.09

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.09
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Compare XML column to XML variable (The XML data type cannot be compared or sorted, except when using the IS NULL operator).‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Compare XML column to XML variable (The XML data type cannot be compared or sorted, except when using the IS NULL operator).‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

I need to compare an XML column with an XML variable. If the values match, we will not process the data, but if the values do not match then we INSERT. Does anyone know a way around this?


SQL Server Dynamic Online Catalog: Why Should You Care? Stairway to Exploring Database Metadata Level 1

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
SQL Server Dynamic Online Catalog: Why Should You Care? Stairway to Exploring Database Metadata Level 1

In this first level, we look at the overview of what metadata is contained in each database, gain some understanding of the different types of information, and examine a few basic examples.

sqlmonitor How to fix SQL Server disk I/O bottlenecks (without a hammer)
In this new article, Simple-Talk editor Tony Davis explains step-by-step how to find and fix the root causes of disk I/O bottlenecks, including gathering data, avoiding knee-jerk fixes, and how monitoring tools can help. Read now.

Comic for 2018.05.08

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.08
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

SQL server backup taking longer time , how can i reduce that time

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
SQL server backup taking longer time , how can i reduce that time
my normal full back up use to take 30 min and one day suddenly it jumped to 5 hours.
how can i figure out what is happening to sql serverbackups

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Provisioning SQL Server Instances with Docker

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Provisioning SQL Server Instances with Docker

With SQL Server 2017, Microsoft announced the exciting news that SQL Server would now run in Docker containers. Laerte Junior provides a guide to get started creating SQL Server instances in Docker.

Monday, May 7, 2018

HPE's new Nimble flash arrays offer storage guarantee, NVMe and SCM support

Network World Data Center
HPE's new Nimble flash arrays offer storage guarantee, NVMe and SCM support
HPE's new Nimble flash arrays offer storage guarantee, NVMe and SCM support

HPE is rolling out the next generation of its Nimble Storage platform, overhauled to better meet the ever-increasing performance demands on data-center workloads, including real-time web analytics, business intelligence, and mission-critical enterprise resource applications.

The new HPE Nimble Storage All Flash arrays as well as Nimble Adaptive Flash arrays for hybrid implementations (mixing solid state drives and hard disk drives, for example), are generally available from May 7 and have both been engineered to support NVMe (non-volatile memory express), an extremely fast communications protocol and controller designed to move data to and from SSDs via the PCIe bus standard. NVMe SSDs are expected to offer two orders of magnitude speed improvement over prior SSDs.

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Comic for 2018.05.07

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.07
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Friday the 13th

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Friday the 13th

Looking forward to the next few ones of these scary days?

User groups

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
User groups
Hi all -

I just want to confirm (or find out I am wrong) about setting up creating a group to add users in sql server.
In our environment, we cannot add Windows Groups (AD) for our sql users.  Not sure why, everywhere else I have worked,

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Dropping Event Sessions

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Dropping Event Sessions
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]Dropping Event Sessions[/B]

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Comic for 2018.05.05

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Comic for 2018.05.05
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

The Technology Journey to Disaster

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
The Technology Journey to Disaster
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]The Technology Journey to Disaster[/B]

Friday, May 4, 2018

Navigating Hadoop Resources

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Navigating Hadoop Resources

Learn where to get the latest installation and learning resources for the ever-evolving components of Hadoop ecosystem and how those components may complement Microsoft SQL Server common everyday tasks.

Mirroring Error 1479, 1474

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Mirroring Error 1479, 1474
Hi, OS - win 2008 R2 x64 enterprise edition SQL - MSSQL R2 x64 enterprise edition with sp2 Pl. suggestion me, how to avoid these erroe in feature? are they required to apply any patch in sql side? But, I am not enable any threshold like unsent l

Comic for 2018.05.04

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.04
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Intel job posting hints at major overhaul to the processor core

Network World Data Center
Intel job posting hints at major overhaul to the processor core
Intel job posting hints at major overhaul to the processor core

A job listing on Intel’s official webpage for a senior CPU micro-architect and designer to build a revolutionary microprocessor core has fueled speculation that the company is finally going to redesign its Core-branded CPU architecture after more than 12 years.

Intel introduced the Core architecture in 2006, and that was an iteration of the P6 microarchitecture first introduced with the Pentium Pro in 1995. So, in some ways, Intel in 2018 is running on a 1995 design. Even though its tick/tock model called for a new microarchitecture every other year, the new architecture was, in fact, just a tweak of the old one and not a clean sheet design.

The job is based in the Intel's Hillsboro, Oregon, facility, where all of the major development work is done. It initially said “join the Ocean Cove team to deliver Intel’s next-generation core design in Hillsboro, Oregon.” That entry has since been removed from the posting.

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Scripting Objects with PowerShell

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Scripting Objects with PowerShell

In the third installment of this series, Steve Jones uses PowerShell to source control code.

Number of Days between two Day Names

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Number of Days between two Day Names
I have a table with a Start Day and a End Day Column

ID StartDay EndDay
1 Monday Friday
2 Tuesday Wednesday
3 Friday Monday

I need to calculate number of days between StartDay and EndDay

For Example;
ID 1 would b

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

70-762 Developing SQL Databases

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
70-762 Developing SQL Databases
I produced these notes a while back when I was looking to do the above exam. I've had some feedback on them that suggested they were helpful to people so felt I should share them a bit more widely.

They are available at the following location:&n

Startup RStor promises a new type of distributed compute fabric

Network World Data Center
Startup RStor promises a new type of distributed compute fabric
Startup RStor promises a new type of distributed compute fabric

A startup funded by Cisco and featuring some big-name talent has come out of stealth mode with the promise of unifying data stored across multiple distributed data centers.

RStor is led by Giovanni Coglitore, the former head of the hardware team at Facebook and before that CTO at Rackspace. The company also features C-level talent who were veterans of EMC’s technology venture capital arm, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google, VMware, Dropbox, Yahoo, and Samsung.

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Bouyed by $45 million in venture capital money from Cisco, the company has announced RStor, a “hyper-distributed multicloud platform” that enables organizations to aggregate and automate compute resources from private data centers, public cloud providers, and trusted supercomputing centers across its networking fabric.

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Comic for 2018.05.02

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.02
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic


SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Comments posted to this topic are about the item [B]EMPTYFILE[/B]

Installing Machine Learning Services – Level 1 of the Stairway to ML Services

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Installing Machine Learning Services – Level 1 of the Stairway to ML Services

This first installment of the Stairway to Machine Learning Services explains the installation process for this subsystem in SQL Server.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

AI, analytics drive Dell EMC storage, server upgrades

Network World Data Center
AI, analytics drive Dell EMC storage, server upgrades
AI, analytics drive Dell EMC storage, server upgrades

Dell EMC this week unveiled storage, server and hyperconvergence upgrades aimed at enterprises that are grappling with new application types, ongoing digital transformation efforts, and the pressure to deliver higher performance and greater automation in the data center.

On the storage front, Dell EMC rearchitected its flagship VMAX enterprise product line, which is now called PowerMax, to include NVMe support and a built-in machine learning engine. Its XtremIO all-flash array offers native replication for the first time and a lower entry-level price. 

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Are the posted questions getting worse?

SQLServerCentral » Latest topics
Are the posted questions getting worse?
Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days? I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server. It seems like the general feeling of a lot

Comic for 2018.05.01

RSSMix.com Mix ID 8239024
Comic for 2018.05.01
New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Random Word Generation for Data Scrubbing

SQLServerCentral.com Articles
Random Word Generation for Data Scrubbing

With HIPAA and GDPR requiring your careful scrubbing of data for lower environments, random word generation promises to be a huge helper. Read here how to do it.