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Saturday, September 23, 2017

SQL Saturday Parma is back! #sqlsat675

SQLblog.com - The SQL Server blog spot on the web
SQL Saturday Parma is back! #sqlsat675
Another SQL Saturday has been scheduled in Parma (Italy), it's the SQL Saturday #675 and this year it will be more international than the previous editions because there will be six sessions completely in English (= 1 "virtual" track in English).
SQL Saturday Parma 2017 will be on November, Saturday 18, 2017 at Università degli Studi di Parma, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione.

The agenda of the day is divided in four tracks (one more than the previous edition) that will deliver a total of 24 hours of free training on SQL Server, Data Science and Cloud Application! You will learn more about topics that you use every day rather than learn something about technologies that you don't use yet, choosing between these paths:
Cloud Application Development & DeploymentData ScienceDatabase AdministrationDevelopment
Thanks to our Sponsors the event will be free of charge, but the registration is mandatory!
If you are around Parma in the middle of November, or if you want to come in Italy for a day of training on Microsoft Data Platform with good foods and friends, you are welcome!
The registration is open, register now here, let know us that you will be at the event, the official twitter hashtag is #sqlsat675 and our official twitter account is @SqlsaturdayP.

Greetings from Italy, see you soon in Parma!

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